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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Meditation: Introductions to the Metta Bhavana

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 23:24

Introducing Metta Bhavana is a highly-polished 32-page guide to the Metta Bhavana developed by Ruchiraketu in 2004. He introduces it thus:

The ideas given in Introducing Metta Bhavana are to give practical tips for designing experiential exercises while introducing Metta Bhavana to newcomers. I hope they will stimulate more experimentation with an experiential approach to learning.

They are not a complete course in themselves but are provided to supplement whatever teaching you might normally do. Adapt them to suit your own style and purposes. They...

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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Meditation: Posture Guides

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 22:55
  1. A 13-page ‘Posture Workshop’ developed by Bodhipaksa from Wildmind.
  2. Read Kamalashila’s online version of his posture guide from the original version of his book ‘Buddhist Meditation’.
  3. A 2-page guide by Vajramati


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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Meditation: Triratna Meditation Summaries

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 22:42

Posture, body awareness, Mindfulness of Breathing, Metta Bhavana – from the Glasgow Buddhist Centre.

Tips for Establishing a Meditation Practice by Suvarnaprabha in San Francisco.

About his summary, Lokabandhu, who says:
“I produced this for use in Buddhafield and Bodh Gaya, I’ve always liked it as a very compact one-page summary of our meditations. The idea is that it is a one-page printout that folds into 4 and makes a miniature...

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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Meditation: Six-Week Foundation Course and Practice Diary (Maitreyabandhu)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 22:35

This is a six-week foundation course based on a practice diary. This course aims to support people in establishing a meditation practice, breaking down teaching into day-by-day experiential exercises and reviewing how the meditation is going. The materials include a meditation diary, handouts with reminders of the practice, and Teachers Notes. Developed by Maitreyabandhu and peer-reviewed by the Lighting the Flame Group.

Notes on the Practice Diary

This post introduces the context for using the Diary in a course you are leading.

1. Aims

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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Meditation: Six-Week Beginners’ Level 1 Meditation Course (Sagaraghosha)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 22:07

This is a fully-worked-out six-week course introducing the FWBO’s main meditation practices, by Sagaraghosha from the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, UK. We’ve included a file with the complete course combined into one document.

Week 1:

  • Guide line for the teacher
  • Handout ‘Practical Points‘
  • Handout ‘Four Types of Meditation‘ (concentrative, generative, reflective, receptive)
  • Handout about meditation diary and meditation CDs

Week 2:

  • Guide line for the teacher
  • Handout ‘Meditation Posture‘
  • Handout ‘Mindfulness of Breathing‘
  • Handout ‘Diary‘ 2

Week 3:

  • Guide line for the teacher
  • Handout ‘Diary‘ 3

Week 4:

  • Guide line for the teacher
  • Handout ‘Metta Bhavana‘
  • Handout ‘Diary‘ 4

Week 5:

  • Guide line for the teacher
  • Handout ‘Diary‘ 5

Week 6:

  • Guide line for the teacher
  • Handout ‘Diary‘ 6
  • Handout ‘Feedback sheet‘
  • Programme for Meditation 1 Practice Day

Get the Level 2 course by Sagaraghosha 

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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Introduction to Buddhism Course (Suvarnaprabha)

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 19:53

Here is an outline for a six-week Introduction to Buddhism course by Suvarnaprabha, given at the San Francisco Buddhist Center. The course is based on the book by Chris Pauling (Vadanya), Introducing Buddhism. It includes a Buddhism Quiz which can be used independent of the course.

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Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Reading Lists

From Triratna Resources on Sat, 16 Jul, 2016 - 19:36

Windhorse Publications have prepared a series of recommended books for people at different levels of involvement with Triratna. We also includes reading list prepared by Vajramati in New Yor. 
