upekshapriya's picture

Talks on Sadhana at the November 2018 UK & Ireland Men's Order Weekend OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 22:01

Talks on Sadhana at the November 2018 UK & Ireland Men's Order Weekend OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 22:01

Mahamati gave a talk on the many blessings of sadhana at the November 2018 UK and Ireland Men’s Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana.

The weekend was hosted by some of the UK based members of the College of Public Preceptors but it was also the first gathering after the death of Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita.

The theme of the weekend was sadhana - “Among our many gifts from Bhante is sadhana. Sadhana can encompass our whole Dharma life. It can be a...

Munisha's picture

Voices from the Buddhist world 4 - Kurt Krammer of the Salzburg Buddhist Association, Austria

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 21:33

Voices from the Buddhist world 4 - Kurt Krammer of the Salzburg Buddhist Association, Austria

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 21:33

Continuing our series messages of condolence from Buddhists beyond Triratna, here is a message from Zen teacher Kurt Krammer of the Salzburg Buddhist Association, Austria (Buddhistische Gemeinschaft Salzburg), who convened the meeting of Buddhist Teachers in Europe at Adhisthana in October and was invited to Bhante’s funeral.

“Dear Munisha,

Thank you for the invitation! I will not be able to attend as we have arranged a contemplation morning on that day. We shall, however, seize the opportunity to commemorate a great...

Mahamati's picture

Vigil, Funeral and Burial Information for Urgyen Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 00:02

Vigil, Funeral and Burial Information for Urgyen Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 7 Nov, 2018 - 00:02

November 10th 2018, 12.30 pm UK time, at Adhisthana

View an update with further information

You are very welcome to attend the funeral service for Urgyen Sangharakshita. We are expecting large numbers. For the many not able to attend, we are hoping to provide live streaming of the funeral and burial but please note that, for technical reasons, we cannot guarantee this will be possible. 

The ceremony
We will gather at 12.30 in the large...

Munisha's picture

Voices from the Buddhist world 3: Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Community, Germany

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 16:26

Voices from the Buddhist world 3: Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Community, Germany

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 16:26

The latest in our series of messages of condolence and appreciation from Buddhists in other traditions, in German and below in English is a message from the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist Community, Germany.

Liebe Freunde im Dharma, 

Heute erfuhren wir, dass Bhante Urgyen Sangharakshita in die grosse Verwandlung eingegangen ist. Wir möchten Euch unsere Anteilnahme zu diesem Verlust eines großen und wunderbaren Dharma Lehrers aussprechen. Seine Lehre und sein Werk wird in Euch weiterleben und den Menschen die Lehre...

Munisha's picture

Tricycle magazine reports Bhante's death

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 15:18

Tricycle magazine reports Bhante's death

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Tue, 6 Nov, 2018 - 15:18

Sangharakshita’s passing was marked yesterday in an article on the website of the American Buddhist magazine Tricycle.

Dhammalata's picture


From Coogee Buddhist Group on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 23:32


From Coogee Buddhist Group on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 23:32

Last Tuesday night I returned home from our meditation at the croquet club to find an email saying my teacher Urgyen Sangharakshita had been re-diagnosed by the specialist as having sepsis and that antibiotics (for pneumonia) would be discontinued as the sepsis (infection of the blood) would be fatal. 
I set up a simple shrine in my front room with a photo of him and candles and did metta for him. 

When I checked my emails again...

Munisha's picture

Voices from the Buddhist world 2: European Buddhist Union

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 23:24

Voices from the Buddhist world 2: European Buddhist Union

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 23:24

Continuing our series of messages of condolence from Buddhists beyond Triratna, here is a post from the Facebook page of the European Buddhist Union, of which Triratna has been an active member for many years.

“The EBU would like to express heartfelt condolences to the Triratna community, for the death of the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and the Triratna Buddhist Community.

Sangharakshita, who has passed away at the age of 93, was one of...

Munisha's picture

Sangharakshita on BBC Radio 4's 'Sunday' programme

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 13:59

Sangharakshita on BBC Radio 4's 'Sunday' programme

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 13:59

On Sunday 4th November, BBC national radio marked Sangharakshita’s passing with an interview with Vishvapani on Radio Four’s weekly religious news programme, ‘Sunday’.

Listen to the interview, anywhere in the world. It starts at 12” 35’.

This coming Friday, Vishvapani will discuss Bhante’s life and work on BBC Radio Four’s obituary programme, ‘Last Word’.

Prajnaketu's picture

'In pursuit of Dharma Life' - talk by Danayutta

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 12:07

'In pursuit of Dharma Life' - talk by Danayutta

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 12:07

Danayutta evokes tells the story of her pursuit of the Dharma life from investment banking to yoga teaching, and beyond.

See more posts from the Big One 2018
