Karunavapi's picture

Dharmachari Maha Ratnajyoti Passes Away

From Order Connection on Mon, 15 May, 2017 - 16:09

Dharmachari Maha Ratnajyoti Passes Away

From Order Connection on Mon, 15 May, 2017 - 16:09

Dear Order Members,

I am sad to inform you that Dhammachari Maha Ratnajyoti of the Bristol and Buddhafield Sanghas passed away a few days ago. He had not fully recovered from breaking his neck several years ago and died at age 62.

Maha Ratnajyoti was ordained in September of 1976 at Padmaloka Retreat Centre by Sangharakshita. His sadhana is Amoghasiddhi.

The funeral details are as yet unknown, and we’ll notify you when we hear more.


Aryanisha's picture

Opportunity for new community at Naganaga Vihara, Australia

From Triratna News on Mon, 15 May, 2017 - 14:19

Opportunity for new community at Naganaga Vihara, Australia

From Triratna News on Mon, 15 May, 2017 - 14:19

Could you be part of a new community at Naganaga Vihara, in the Mid North coast of New South Wales, Australia? Many of us in Triratna have wonderful memories of staying there. There is now an exciting opportunity to take on the property, as the current community move to a town nearby.

Satyagandhi writes:

“Naganaga Vihara is looking for a new community to take over this piece of paradise. After 15 years of creating Naganaga, the current community has come to accept that we are ageing and no...

mokshini's picture

Sangha Nights in Exeter in May

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 14 May, 2017 - 10:29

Sangha Nights in Exeter in May

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 14 May, 2017 - 10:29

Thank you to all who came to Buddha day on May 10th. We had a beautiful shrine, created by William, and I thoroughly enjoyed practicing with a group of fellow truth seekers. Prajnananda led us in a puja dedicated to the Buddha Shakyamuni - thank you! 

Over the remaining weeks in May we will return to our theme of exploring our meditation practice. 

Wednesday 17 May: ‘Opening the Heart’ - another look at the metta bhavana

Wednesday 24 May: ‘What is ‘Just Sitting’?’ -  ways of...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Who Is The Buddha - Really?

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 14 May, 2017 - 01:00
In this talk Vajrasara guides listeners through 5 coloured windows and 5 questions, to draw out different dimensions of the elusive & ineffable Shakyamuni Buddha. Given at Bristol Buddhist Centre Sangha night on the Full Moon in May, 2017.
mokshini's picture

"Embodied Yoga' workshops with Vidyadasa

"Embodied Yoga' workshops with Vidyadasa

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Sat, 13 May, 2017 - 20:59

Embodied Yoga Principles Workshops (EYP)  - Led by Vidyadasa

On the International Gathering Vidyadasa, from the Brighton Sangha, will offer two Embodied Yoga Principles workshops.

Embodied Yoga develops awareness, acceptance and an intentional approach to life which we can follow through into taking action in our life.  We’ll practice postures to develop qualities that we need on a daily basis. 

Classes will include some regular hatha yoga postures (which you may be familiar with if you practice Yoga) and specific Embodied Yoga Principles postures to develop...

Khemasuri's picture

The programme for Sheffield BAM 2017 is out!

From Buddhist Action on Sat, 13 May, 2017 - 18:20

The programme for Sheffield BAM 2017 is out!

From Buddhist Action on Sat, 13 May, 2017 - 18:20

Building Sangha and supporting fellow Buddhists to step into and interact with the world is vital in this time of confusion. Promoting Buddhist values and principles through exemplification challenges cultural norms constructively and is a powerful practice. We know that our actions have consequences and although we may never see the results we can have confidence that we will make a difference.

We have arranged 6 mornings of meditation, talks and discussion to make more conscious the connections between our ethical commitment...

Sangharakshita's picture

The Good Friend, The False Friend, And The Spiritual Friend

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 12 May, 2017 - 23:17

The Good Friend, The False Friend, And The Spiritual Friend

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 12 May, 2017 - 23:17

According to the Upaḍḍha Sutta, there was a time when the Buddha was staying in the territory of the Śākyans, the tribe to which he belonged by birth, and Ānanda was living in seclusion nearby. While in seclusion Ānanda reflected that the successful practice of asceticism depended on the cultivation of two factors: spiritual friendship (kalyāṇamittatā) and manly vigour (viriya). Having thus reflected, Ānanda went to see the Buddha, and after saluting him told the Buddha what he had thought,...

Carol Robertson's picture
Carol Robertson

The Home Stretch

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 11 May, 2017 - 10:36

The Home Stretch

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Thu, 11 May, 2017 - 10:36

This is our final shrine project blog as we speed towards our re-opening and re-dedication celebration. It’s been quite a journey, which although has had it’s challenges, has been very inspiring and rewarding. We’re spending our last week finishing off the smaller details, getting the areas cleaned, planning for our sangha visitors to our dedication day on Saturday. Fundraising will continue as we still need to support the ongoing works, which should include a wheelchair platform lift, garden decking and...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Great Victory

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 11 May, 2017 - 01:00
In this short talk given on the mixed Sub35 day event held at Padmaloka, Viryanaga recounts the myth of the Buddha's Victory over Mara, drawing out the experiential aspects of the Buddha's Enlightenment. He moves on to evoke what the Buddha might have felt during the weeks following that experience, both in his appreciation of the Bodhi Tree and his reverence of the Dharma.
shraddhavani's picture

Meditation Tune-up This Sunday with Vajradaka

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 10 May, 2017 - 18:00

Meditation Tune-up This Sunday with Vajradaka

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Wed, 10 May, 2017 - 18:00

Sunday, May 14, 10AM - 12:30PM
This week we will take a break from our series on the Brahma Viharas to work with a master meditation teacher.  A visitor from the UK, Dh. Vajradaka will address how to clarify and translate the essential principles of meditation practice into a clearly thought out and practical approach which can suit you and which draws out the best of the meditation practices. He will use contemporary and relevant analogies...
