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Windhorse Publi...

An Interview with Paramabandhu on His New Book - Mindful Emotion: A Short Course in Kindness

From Windhorse Publications on Fri, 26 May, 2017 - 13:48

How did Paramabandhu and Jed Shamel’s latest book come about? Who does it reach? Are there any challenges to bringing kindness into Mindfulness teaching?

Find out in this interview with Paramabandhu. His new book Mindful Emotion: A Short Course in Kindness is available from Windhorse Publications.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Archetypal Symbolism, Part 2

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 29 May, 2017 - 01:00
The life story of the Buddha is much more than a historical account – it is a poetic myth full of profound meanings that can resonate with both our conscious minds and our unconscious depths. To fully realize our infinite human potential, we need to harness the power that lies within the vast oceanic depths of our psyches. This talk, which comes in 2 parts, explores the use of the Imagination to broaden our perception of that which is possible.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Archetypal Symbolism, Part 1

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 29 May, 2017 - 01:00
The life story of the Buddha is much more than a historical account – it is a poetic myth full of profound meanings that can resonate with both our conscious minds and our unconscious depths. To fully realize our infinite human potential, we need to harness the power that lies within the vast oceanic depths of our psyches. This talk, which comes in 2 parts, explores the use of the Imagination to broaden our perception of that which is possible.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Dasadhamma Sutta

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 28 May, 2017 - 01:00
In this talk Mangala introduces us to the Dasadhamma sutta, which discusses the 10 essentials for people who wish to go forth from unskilful habits of behaviour. Mangala explores the meaning of going forth and the importance of constant reflection on ideas such as "my life is dependent upon others" to help us walk this path. The talk is introduced by Amaraghosha, and was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre in May 2017 as part of our regular Saturday morning sangha class.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Dasadhamma Sutta

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 28 May, 2017 - 00:00
In this talk Mangala introduces us to the Dasadhamma sutta, which discusses the 10 essentials for people who wish to go forth from unskilful habits of behaviour. Mangala explores the meaning of going forth and the importance of constant reflection on ideas such as "my life is dependent upon others" to help us walk this path. The talk is introduced by Amaraghosha, and was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre in May 2017 as part of our regular Saturday morning sangha class.
Saddhammapradip's picture

Bordaran Community

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sat, 27 May, 2017 - 07:51

Bordaran Community

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sat, 27 May, 2017 - 07:51

Recently bordaran Community Visited Bhaja for GFR Retreat. It was nice to spend time with Nitin, Sachin , Prakash, Rahul and Harendra

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Free Buddhist Audio

Insight and Spiritual Rebirth, A Personal Perspective

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sat, 27 May, 2017 - 01:00
Rijumitra gives a personal perspective on Insight and Spiritual Rebirth in which he looks amongst other things, at the difference between insight experiences and what might be described as “seeing and knowing”. This talk was given during the men's Area Order Weekend held at Padmaloka in May 2017.
punyamala's picture

Upcoming Ordinations at Akashavana

From Order Connection on Fri, 26 May, 2017 - 14:30

Upcoming Ordinations at Akashavana

From Order Connection on Fri, 26 May, 2017 - 14:30

Dear Order Members,

The following 12 women currently attending the 3-month ordination course at Akashavana Retreat Centre will be having their private ordinations at various times, throughout the day and night, between the evening of Sunday 28th May and the afternoon of 31 May:

Jenny Roberts
Mary Wild
Theresa O’Leary
Bev Wilson
Lynda Rose
Lydia Morris
Kate Hunt
Sarah Jones
Erica Law
Mairead Keane

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Free Buddhist Audio

Mindful Emotion

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 26 May, 2017 - 01:00
Taking the theme from his book 'Mindful Emotion', Paramabandhu gives this talk on kindness as part of Sangha Night.
Shrijnana's picture

Buddhist Action Month at Aryaloka

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 25 May, 2017 - 17:02

Buddhist Action Month at Aryaloka

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 25 May, 2017 - 17:02

Bodhisattva activity in the 21st century

Buddhist Action Month (BAM) is a festival of Buddhist social action in many forms. It is an international festival, celebrated by may Triratna centers and other Buddhist groups, and it’s fueled by metta. Metta is the strong intention to create Loving Kindness for all, and it’s embodied in the desire to act for the benefit of the world. Practicing this is at the heart of everything we do in the Triratna Buddhist Community. Let’s turn that intention into action for BAM...
