Sadayasihi's picture

Compilation of Sangharakshita's images

From Community Highlights on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 14:55

Compilation of Sangharakshita's images

From Community Highlights on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 14:55

Here is a video of Sangharakshita’s images that Clear Vision Trust have compiled to mark Bhante’s death. You may wish to screen this at your local Centre or group or at use at home while chanting mantras. 

Add your own memory or reflection about Sangharakshita to the online remembrance page

Contribute to the ‘book of gratitude’

sanghadhara's picture

Sangharakshita's Life and Impact

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 14:10

Sangharakshita's Life and Impact

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 14:10

A video I made yesterday. I aimed to summaries bhante’s life and his impact in 1 min. I failed, I did 2 mins, and I still failed. No time in space, no word or images can make justice to his life. Unmeasurable is the impact. I’m for ever grateful! I still cannot believe you’re gone.

To download follow this link: 

dhammarati's picture

puja at adhisthana last night

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 12:15

puja at adhisthana last night

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 12:15

A puja at Adhisthana last night, remembering Bhante, with someone there from all areas of Triratna internationally. A lovely atmosphere of sadness, appreciation and gratitude. 

kamalashila's picture

Death of Vajradipa

From Order Connection on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 11:59

Death of Vajradipa

From Order Connection on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 11:59

Dear Order members,

We are sad to inform you of the death of Vajradipa (Roger Jones) who was 76 and living in West London. He was taken ill while out with his wife Briony, and died in hospital later the same day, Friday 26 October.

Vajradipa was a pioneer Order member in the West London Sangha, a professional photographer and an affable, well known figure in the Movement in the 70s and 80s. He supported Vangisa...

Anonymous's picture

Karuna team puja for Sangharakshita

Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 11:10[edit]

Many of us from the Karuna team came together this morning in the shrine room of the North London Buddhist Centre to mark the passing of our teacher Sangharakshita. We recited Maitreyabandhu’s Sevenfold Puja for Bhante with the refuges and precepts in Indian style to recollect Bhante’s connection with India. We finished by reciting the Shakyamuni mantra, calling Bhante to mind and wishing him well.

arthakusalin's picture

book of gratitude contribution

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 09:31

Dear beloved, dearest Teacher

i am coming to the end of a month living in christian monasteries as i wanted to write on sacredness and wanted some time on my own and i thought the conditions in monasteries very supportive. And indeed they were. In this period i read large parts of From Genesis to the Diamond Sutra and O Bhante you were so close. I am so glad to be a Buddhist, i am so glad to have come across a...

Subhanaya's picture

Live and work at Dhanakosa

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 07:39

Live and work at Dhanakosa

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 07:39

Would you like to live and work as part of a right livelihood team, engage in daily practice with our brothers and sisters in the Dharma, giving the conditions for retreats to over a 1,000 people a year, and all in the beautiful environment of rural Scotland?

The Dhanakosa community are looking for order members and committed GFR mitras to apply to join our office team.

For more information how to apply view

If you would like to talk to someone about...

Khasanti's picture

Seattle Sangha gathers to mark Bhante’s passing

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 04:05

Seattle Sangha gathers to mark Bhante’s passing

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 04:05

Tonight the Seattle Sangha gathered to honor the passing of our beloved teacher with meditation, a threefold puja and chanting of the Padmasambhava and Amitabha mantras. As part of the metta bhavana we brought to mind all the beings whose lives had been affected by Bhante’s life and teaching. We send our love to all.

Anonymous's picture
Paul Beard

Gone but never forgotten

Wed, 31 Oct, 2018 - 02:43[edit]

I will always be grateful for the kind mentoring and encouragement you gave to help me find my own voice to communicate the Dharma. For me, your work will remain an inspirational finger that points to the moon and will continue to influence my work and my Dharma life. 

Anonymous's picture
Lorna Flanagan

Dear Bhante

Tue, 30 Oct, 2018 - 22:52[edit]

Thank you for coming into this world to learn and share all you have shared. You were my first real contact with Buddhism and through your writings, talks and retreat centres your work on this earth has, cheered, challenged and changed me. Thank you. My favourite poem of yours is The Six Elements Speak. Goodbye Dear Bhante 
