Ratnagarbha's picture

The light of the Dharma

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sat, 3 Nov, 2018 - 08:41

The light of the Dharma

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sat, 3 Nov, 2018 - 08:41

I cannot believe that our beloved teacher has left us. The world seems darker and colder. But he has left us with so much light and hope. My greatest gratitude to Sangharakshita is simply for having founded the Triratna movement. I am one of those people who was never going to make it to have a happy life out in the world. I needed a community, a society within a society which was very different from what our ambitious, hyperactive...

Vajranatha's picture

Goodbye to Bhante

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sat, 3 Nov, 2018 - 01:33

Goodbye to Bhante

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sat, 3 Nov, 2018 - 01:33

You prepared us so gently for your death. All those years ago constantly reminding us that one day you would be gone. Making sure we would know how to carry on. Always letting things go, handing things on. Just reaching out an occasional guiding finger to the tiller when the mists of samsara obscured the way.

All the same, even though I knew this day would come, it seems as if today the sun shines dull. The only...

Anonymous's picture

We Are One

Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 22:29[edit]
As usual, I was getting ready for bed around 11pm on Tuesday night in Auckland. However, I found myself experiencing pain in my heart, as if it was being squeezed and I found my breathing shallowly. I wasn’t able to sleep, my mind turning to Bhante, I laid in bed chanting Green Tara mantra for quite some time. At 1am in the night it occurred to me that Bhante may have died, which was swiftly confirmed when I saw the sad news posted on Facebook.
sujiva's picture

Pujas at Auckland Buddhist Centre

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 22:03

Pujas at Auckland Buddhist Centre

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 22:03

Since we heard the news, we have been having pujas & meditations every evening at the Auckland centre remembering & rejoicing in Bhante. Malini led one for order members on Thursday. Last night I led an evening for order members & mitras. Before and during the 7-fold puja, we read out a passage from the Mahaparinibbana Sutta, ...

maitridasa's picture

Vigil held at Sheffield Buddhist Centre for Urgyen Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 21:55

Vigil held at Sheffield Buddhist Centre for Urgyen Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 21:55

Order Members, mitras and friends took part in a 24 hour vigil from 2pm on Tuesday. Each one hour session included a reading, chanting of one of the 5 mantras and metta bhavana. It has been a very loving time.

People brought white flowers to offer. All the flowers have now been put in our smaller shrine room where people can come any time over the next few days to sit and continue paying respects...

samachitta's picture

Living Ethically editing work 2007

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 19:53

Living Ethically editing work 2007

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 19:53

Working on this manuscript with Bhante from 2007 to 2009 was the highlight of my life. It was an honour and a great joy to be in the presence of his mind at work. He was so methodical and focussed, completely present with the task in hand. At the same time there was no sense of straining or forcing. Occasionally if he felt tired or a little unwell, he would take a break for a few minutes and relax with eyes...

parami's picture

An Update On Sangharakshita's Vigil and Funeral Arrangements

From Community Highlights on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 17:35

An Update On Sangharakshita's Vigil and Funeral Arrangements

From Community Highlights on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 17:35

Dear friends,

Bhante’s body is now at Adhisthana. He arrived yesterday afternoon (Thursday) and around 60 Order members, Mitras and friends from the Adhisthana mandala (the community, people here on meetings etc and local sangha) gathered to welcome him back. It was a beautiful afternoon with stunning light shining over Adhisthana and the hills beyond. The hearse arrived as the light was fading and we lined the drive as the car drove slowly up to the courtyard. In the courtyard Bhante was...

saddhajala's picture

Marking Bhante's death at Sanghaloka Buddhist Centre in Krakow/Poland

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 16:14

Marking Bhante's death at Sanghaloka Buddhist Centre in Krakow/Poland

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Fri, 2 Nov, 2018 - 16:14

To mark this significant moment of our Friend’s and Teacher’s death Bhante Sangharakshita at Sanghaloka Buddhist Centre in Krakow from Tuesday until Sunday we have a morning and evening programme with metta bhavana meditation, puja for Bhante by Maitreyabandhu in the mornings and Seven Fold puja in the evenings, telling stories about Bhante and having conversations about the significance of his life...
