DhBuddhapalita's picture

Missoula puja for Bhante

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 16:42

Missoula puja for Bhante

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 16:42

Yesterday we held a puja for Bhante that was attended by our local order members, mitras and friends. Shuddhabha led it beautifully. There was a sense deep gratitude for all that Bhante has give us. A connection to the rest of Triratna.

Karunada's picture

German National Order Weekend for Men in Berlin in remembrance of Bhante

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 12:33

German National Order Weekend for Men in Berlin in remembrance of Bhante

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 12:33

Dear Bhante, our National Mens’ Order Weekend (2-4- November) was dedicated to you. Apart from personal expressions of reverence and gratitude, the most uplifting moments occurred while reciting Maitreyabandhu’s Puja to you translated into German, and while practising the Kalyana Mitra Yoga with our preceptors, you, your teachers, the teachers of the past and Buddha Shakyamuni above our heads, radiating the...

Prajnaketu's picture

'Moving into a meaningful life' - talk by Satyakirti

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 12:03

'Moving into a meaningful life' - talk by Satyakirti

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 12:03

Satyakirti explores his personal story of seeking meaning at the Big One 2018: Seek Truth, Release Life.

See more posts from the Big One 2018

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Peaceful Vajrapani

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 5 Nov, 2018 - 12:00

Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, introduces to another side of the usual wrathful Vajrapani, entitled Peaceful Vajrapani.

From an imaginative yet practical talk entitled Vajrapani by Sanghanistha. Given during the 2016 ‘Cosmic Going for Refuge Tree’ retreat at Padmaloka.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast

Anonymous's picture
Gareth Retallick

Thank you Bhante

Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 23:55[edit]

Thank you for being a bridge between the timeless ways and truths of the Orient and the ‘enlightened’ capability of the modern day ‘west’. For elucidating the Dharma in terms of human potential for all, in languages that we hear, speak, and respond to. But not only the exposition, which may have been the easier task, but bringing to life in the hearts and souls of the Order, movement, and beyond, truth, love and freedom, the essence of the Dharma. So that people have been able to hold and debate potentially extremely divisive issues, in, as a friend described, ‘a beautiful way’.

Ujumani's picture

Se souvenant de Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 21:02

Se souvenant de Sangharakshita

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 21:02

Vassika a déjà dit ici comment nous nous étions réunis au Centre de Paris le soir du décès de Bhante, et nous avons continué les jours suivants : le lendemain, la puja de la soirée de la Sangha a été dédiée à Bhante, puis, les jours suivants, un certains nombre d’entre nous, ainsi que d’autres amis venus de loin - Clermont-Ferrand, Nantes, Lille, Chambéry, et pour plusieurs, de Bruxelles - nous sommes retrouvés à Marines, dans la campagne près...

Anonymous's picture

Tristesse et gratitude

Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 18:00[edit]

Sangharakshita nous a quitté. Je ne l’ai pas connu personnellement. Et pourtant, deux sentiments m’animent spontanément : la tristesse et la gratitude.

La tristesse car, avec le départ de Bhante, c’est la mémoire vivante de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna qui disparaît et crée un vide au sein du mouvement.

sucimani's picture

Southern region of U.K. & Ireland - women’s regional order weekend. OM

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 15:32

Southern region of U.K. & Ireland - women’s regional order weekend. OM

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 15:32

Southern region of U.K. & Ireland women’s regional order weekend.  2nd to 4th November 2018.

Our weekend was entitled the mystery and joy of life and death and was beautifully facilitated by Sraddhadipa and Sukhasiddhi.

The receptive quality of love allows every experience to enter us, to touch us. It allows us to be...

sanghadhara's picture

Sangharakshita's body arrives at Adhisthana

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 14:18

Sangharakshita's body arrives at Adhisthana

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 14:18

on Thursday 1st of November, Sangharakshita’s body was welcomed back at Adhisthana by the community and guests. Saddhanandi addressed those present before processing behind the body towards the Amitabha shrine room where was being prepared for viewing while a ritual took place at the main shrine room.

Satyalila's picture

An impromptu 'Indexer's Obituary'

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 12:59

An impromptu 'Indexer's Obituary'

From Sangharakshita Memorial Space on Sun, 4 Nov, 2018 - 12:59

I’ve been working on the index for Volume 13 of Bhante’s Complete Works for the last few weeks and finished it on Friday morning, having worked late into the night before.  It has felt like its own kind of vigil for Bhante to be doing this.  A great privilege to tend his ‘Dharma body’, or one physical manifestation of it, at least.  I’m not a professional indexer but a (supported) amateur - tho’ as Vidyadevi kindly reminded me, the etymology of...
