lokabandhu's picture

2013 classes starting January 8th

From Glastonbury Buddhist Group on Thu, 3 Jan, 2013 - 12:46

2013 classes starting January 8th

From Glastonbury Buddhist Group on Thu, 3 Jan, 2013 - 12:46Our 2013 classes start on January 8th, still at 7.30pm at Lantern Cottage. All welcome of course! Please note that this is a TUESDAY - our meetings will now be on Tuesdays…

Best wishes, Lokabandhu, Helen, Julian, and Roger.
lokabandhu's picture

Skype Meditators group

From Triratna Anywhere on Thu, 3 Jan, 2013 - 12:31

Skype Meditators group

From Triratna Anywhere on Thu, 3 Jan, 2013 - 12:31Did you know there’s a Skype Meditators group on thebuddhistcentre.com? It’s for anyone who wants to arrange to meditate on Skype with others. This came out of a Facebook discussion on practising in a community online - but you don’t need to be on Facebook to take part!

And their first meeting is January 3rd at 4.30pm UK time (11.30am EST, 10pm Maharashtra). They say - “Join us if you can...
Candradasa's picture

First Skype meditation!

From Online Meditators on Tue, 1 Jan, 2013 - 22:29

First Skype meditation!

From Online Meditators on Tue, 1 Jan, 2013 - 22:29Hi all,

Just to say Ben and I and others have arranged our first meeting - January 3rd at 4.30pm UK time (11.30am EST, 10pm Maharashtra). Join us if you can and let’s sit together. Maybe we could find some space too to discuss further meetings, other tech options (eg. Google Hangout), etc.? I’m making 90 mins free for the whole thing - hellos, meditation and discussion. Hope to see you online soon!

To connect with...
lokabandhu's picture

Dhanakosa is recruiting

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 31 Dec, 2012 - 22:09

Dhanakosa is recruiting

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 31 Dec, 2012 - 22:09Pasadini writes with the news that DHANAKOSA IS RECRUITING! She says - Applications are invited to join our residential team/community at Dhanakosa Buddhist Retreat Centre in the beautiful Scottish highlands.

Essential characteristics of community members are:

- ability to contribute strongly in at least one key area
- willingness to work as part of a team
- good communication skills
- understanding of the value of providing retreat conditions for others
- interest in living...
Rijupatha's picture

Vajra Bell - Winter 2013

Vajra Bell - Winter 2013

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Mon, 31 Dec, 2012 - 15:10In this issue:

* Embracing Myth & Imagination: A recovering Catholic learns to trust intuition, imagination, and Buddhas in all colors

* Aryaloka Council December meeting and Year in Review

* Sangha updates from Aryaloka, Nagaloka, Portsmouth, and Vancouver

* Movie Review: Children of the Pyre

* Buddhism and the Environmental Movement: How two efforts - inner and outer - to benefit all beings could benefit each other

* Three perspectives on the first...
lokabandhu's picture

Two vegan links...

From Vegan Buddhist on Sun, 30 Dec, 2012 - 20:17

Two vegan links...

From Vegan Buddhist on Sun, 30 Dec, 2012 - 20:17Thank, Jane, for these two links - great reading for anyone wanting to really look at (and change) the way they relate to animals. First is practical, www.vegetarianrecipeclub.org.uk - it’s all vegan and v.comprehensive, with not just recipes but lots of articles. Second is Resurgence magazine’s Animals edition which was awesome. The website doesn’t have everything that the hard copy mag did but it’s a good place to start.

Happy 2013 everyone! May all...
lokabandhu's picture


From Triratna Translations on Sat, 29 Dec, 2012 - 20:15

Nederlands (group)

From Triratna Translations on Sat, 29 Dec, 2012 - 20:15

There’s a very good collection of material on Buddhism and Meditation in Dutch available at de3juwelen.org, including many books by Sangharakshita. Many thanks to all their volunteers for creating this!

Now we’d love to post online Dutch translations of some basic Triratna texts and ceremonies. Could you help? The ones we are most interested in are the Dedication Ceremony; the Seven fold puja (including the Refuges and Precepts); and the ...

viriyalila's picture

Reflecting on Meditation in our Podcasts

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 29 Dec, 2012 - 13:13

Reflecting on Meditation in our Podcasts

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 29 Dec, 2012 - 13:13Greetings everyone! All of us at Free Buddhist Audio would like to wish you and yours a very happy New Year.

Our two FBA Podcasts this week bring us into the heart of three people’s practices…

Dhyana Paramita, the Perfection of Meditation
In this week’s FBA Podcast , Kamalashila introduces the fifth perfection: “Dhyana Paramita, the Perfection of Meditation.” Kamalashila is the author of ‘Buddhist Meditation: Tranquillity, Imagination, Insight’, an excellent manual...
viriyalila's picture

Introductory Meditation Workshop

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 29 Dec, 2012 - 00:21

Introductory Meditation Workshop

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sat, 29 Dec, 2012 - 00:21Meditation may start with relaxation, but goes far beyond that - it is an art, requiring patience, openness and application. Our meditation courses provide a foundation in how to work effectively with your mind, teaching you how to concentrate, become less distracted, calmer and more emotionally positive.

Saturday, January 26, 10 am - 3 pm
Led by Narottama, member of the Triratna Buddhist Order.
Offered by donation, suggested $60 - $40

Please register for this workshop by email...
lokabandhu's picture

News from Triratna Barcelona

From Triratna News on Fri, 28 Dec, 2012 - 05:57

News from Triratna Barcelona

From Triratna News on Fri, 28 Dec, 2012 - 05:57Rijumati writes with news of Triratna’s burgeoning activities in Barcelona, where they’ve had a very busy year including finding a new venue for their activities, the arrival of several Order Members and their first death: Virananda, ordained in 1978. He says:

“Almost a year ago on our winter retreat the first three people from Triratna Barcelona became mitras: Frank Bergman, Juan Carlos Dudier and Maria Pardos. It was a very joyful moment.

In the early part...
