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Padmavajra begins this talk with the chanting of The Karaniya Metta Sutta, in order to invoke 'the blessing power of loving kindness', which according to the sutta needs to be wielded at all times. He explores all of the stages of the metta bhavana (development of loving-kindness practice), as well as showing how metta can lead to wisdom and liberation, at the same time saying: we practice the metta bhavana to love others, Enlightenment is incidental!
Upekshadaka, from the Ghent Buddhist Centre in Belgium, shares how the practice and development of metta (loving-kindness) has changed his life. He describes the effect on his relationship with his father, with his work, and, most of all, on his relationship with himself. Metta allows him not to hide his weaknesses, and also not to hide his strengths and qualities. And having that kinder relationship to himself transforms his relationships with others.
From Triratna News on Fri, 1 Nov, 2013 - 06:19Sridevi writes from Finland with news of the death of Sumati, one of the elders of the Triratna Sangha in Finland.
She says - “This is to let you know that Dharmacharini Sumati, from Helsinki, Finland, has died. She was ordained by Bhante in 1977 or 1978 in Finland and was very active in the early years of the Helsinki centre, especially in translating many important Dharma texts into Finnish. Her younger son has been attending some...
A spacious couple of talks, including led reflections, as part of week two of a course led by Vessantara entitled 'Motivation is Everything - the four reminders', also known as the four thoughts that turn the mind to the Dharma or the four common preliminaries.
Vajragupta writes with news of a new website making available a whole series of films about Triratna’s history, saying:
“A few years back I wrote a book called The Triratna Story, chronicling the history of this particular Buddhist movement. One of the best things I did when researching that book, was re-watch some of the films made by Suryaprabha back in the 90’s, a series of films about the early days of the...
From Triratna News on Thu, 31 Oct, 2013 - 00:37To mark Hallowe’en, Siddhisambhava writes from north Wales about her workshops and retreats on facing death. (Some readers may need to know that Hallowe’en is a festival concerned with ghosts, witches, death and other things we’d rather not think about. Children often mark it by “trick or treating”: going house to house playfully demanding sweets in return for not playing tricks on the owners. Pumpkin lanterns are traditional too.)
This space contains translations of some basic Triratna texts and ceremonies from the original English into Sanskrit – an unusual enterprise as most Buddhist translation is done the other way!
Many thanks to Śraddhāpa, Dhivan and others for their work in preparing them.
Coming soon are the Threefold Puja, the Dedication Ceremony and the Refuges and Precepts. There’s also a Pali group with these and other texts in Pali.