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Munisha's picture

Introducing the Preceptors' College

From Triratna News on Fri, 24 Jan, 2014 - 16:36

Introducing the Preceptors' College

From Triratna News on Fri, 24 Jan, 2014 - 16:36Ever wondered what the Triratna Preceptors’ College is? Who are they? What do they do? And, why? Any idea what they live on?

Vidyatara explains, giving some background to Public preceptor Moksananda’s quirky “home movie” created during the recent College meeting at Adhisthana, in Herefordshire, UK.

“The College of Public Preceptors of the Triratna Buddhist Order is a group of 33 women and men, longterm Order members as well as good friends, from all over...
Vidyatara's picture

Business as Usual - Adhisthana and the Bodhichitta

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 23 Jan, 2014 - 10:45

Business as Usual - Adhisthana and the Bodhichitta

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 23 Jan, 2014 - 10:45Talk given by College member, Parami, at a recent retreat at Adhisthana…
Vidyatara's picture

Bhante - Teacher and Friend

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 23 Jan, 2014 - 10:43

Bhante - Teacher and Friend

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 23 Jan, 2014 - 10:43Talk given by College member, Dhammadinna, about her relationship with the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and Movement, Bhante Sangharakshita.
Vidyatara's picture

Bhante - Teacher and Friend

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 23 Jan, 2014 - 10:38
Talk given by College member, Dhammadinna, on her relationship with the founder of the Triratna Order and Community, Bhante Sangharakshita. Given at a recent retreat held at Adhisthana…
Vidyatara's picture

Business as Usual - Adhisthana and the Bodhichitta

From College of Public Preceptors on Thu, 23 Jan, 2014 - 10:35
A talk given by College member, Parami, at a recent retreat at Adhisthana…
Satyadarshin's picture

Help Replace the Buddhafield Café Tent

From Buddhafield on Wed, 22 Jan, 2014 - 11:38

Help Replace the Buddhafield Café Tent

From Buddhafield on Wed, 22 Jan, 2014 - 11:38Join us at a Buddhafield Café Fundraiser in Bristol on Saturday January 25.

The tent has been to many festivals and seen many things. It’s housed and sheltered many people, been a safe and secure space holding the wide breadth of experience that working for Buddhafield encompasses. It’s got a bit battered in over 10 years of adventures; over the last couple of years holes have started appearing, and more and more spots of...
Vidyatara's picture

Stream of Blessings

From Adhisthana on Wed, 22 Jan, 2014 - 11:31

Stream of Blessings

From Adhisthana on Wed, 22 Jan, 2014 - 11:31A home movie of the College of Preceptors’ first meeting at Adhisthana…
rodashruti's picture

The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 00:45

The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty-Five Centuries of Awakened Women

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 00:45
Sat, Jan 25, 6pm to 8pm at the SFBC
(doors open 5:45pm)

Join editors Zenshin Florence Caplow and Reigetsu Susan Moon, and contributing authors Mushim Ikeda-Nash and Viveka to celebrate the recent publication of this amazing collection of buddhist stories and koans from women through the ages.

6:00-6:30 meditation
6:30-7:30 readings and discussion
7:30-8:00 reception, book sale & signing

The event is by donation, and books...
