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Welcome to Triratna Resources

Welcome to Triratna Resources - information and documents useful for Centres, groups and other Triratna projects. 

Help make this better!

If you have suggestions for either new content or to update/query something please contact: info@triratnadevelopment.org

The idea is that we create this resource together. By sharing ideas and know-how we can become much more effective and efficient, and not re-inventing the wheel!

Some of the material here will be relevant to Triratna projects all over the world; some is more UK-relevant. We welcome comments from people beyond the UK that could help the site become more useful to you.

Guide to the menu

  • You are on the ‘Info’ page, a landing page for those new to this section
  • ‘Latest’ are the most recent posts
  • ‘Teaching Resources’ are a collection of course plans eg. 6-week intro courses
  • ‘Archive of all resources’ is the best place to find something - an excellent search facility
  • ‘Groups’ - this option will only appear if you are a member of a group that is part of this section. Don’t worry if it’s not there!

Some tips on using thebuddhistcentre.com

Please note that the information in this web site is provided as a free service, in good faith and to the best of our knowledge. Accessing this site does not create any form of legal or professional relationship and we do not accept any liability or responsibility for any action taken on the basis of the information provided. It is the responsibility of the trustees/board of each Triratna charity or non-profit to ensure they fulfill their legal obligations.