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A Sure Sign of Ignorance (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Centre Team on Mon, 13 May, 2024 - 11:00

According to the Buddha we see permanence where there is impermanence, substantiality where there is insubstantiality, see the unlovely as beautiful and the unpleasant as pleasant. How does this affect us? And even more importantly, what can we do about this? Yashobodhi makes the simple yet profound connection between ignorance and suffering. Excerpted from  the talk Distortions of the Mind given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2017.


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Dharmabytes: Let Life Teach Us

By Centre Team on Thu, 17 Aug, 2023 - 11:00

Singhamati explores the Buddha’s teachings on Wisdom, primarily looking at the three Lakshanas, the three marks of conditioned existence. 

From the talk Being with the Buddha Through Wisdom, the fourth in a series given on retreat at Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2012.


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Dharmabytes: Sitting With Uncertainty

By Centre Team on Mon, 14 Aug, 2023 - 11:00

Ratnaghosha reflects on the Chanki Sutta, a story of a young Brahmin who questions the Buddha and receives a teaching about truth and the fundamental importance of faith.

An excerpt from the talk entitled The Chanki Sutta given at Cambridge Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Dharmabytes: A Dharma Perspective

By Centre Team on Thu, 27 Jul, 2023 - 11:00

Vajradevi  explores wisdom, the ‘balancing factor’ to faith in the ‘mandala’ of the five spiritual faculties. ‘Clear-seeing’ is way of describing wisdom that can be practised through mindfulness. 

Excerpted from the talk Wisdom As a Spiritual Faculty In Relation to Mindfulness, part of the series Pathways to the Beautiful Mind: Bristol Rains Retreat, 2019.


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Dharmabytes: Awareness Wisdom

By Zac on Mon, 20 Mar, 2023 - 06:00

Vajradevi speaks to a large gathering of Order Members and Mitras Training for Ordination under a big marque at the annual Great Gathering on the theme of the Satipatthana Sutta.

Reflecting on the theme of the weekend Vajradevi said: “When we’re mindful and present to what’s happening – both ‘internally’ and ‘externally’ – our responses become steady, wise, and confident. Whatever we’re doing, whether we’re meditating, working, communicating, or singing, becomes a vehicle to ‘grow’ awareness. Mindfulness becomes panoramic and...

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Dharmabytes: Savoring Experience

By Zac on Tue, 7 Mar, 2023 - 15:33

Nagabodhi speaks about the process of developing awareness throughout the day and how this relates to vedanā – or hedonic tone. He explores how if we can notice the raw experience and whether it’s pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, then we have freedom not to act in the usual habitual ways. 

From the talk Developing Awareness as part of the series The Two Arrows: Dukkha to Insight given at Adhisthana, 2020.


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FBA Podcast: Wisdom in the Bodhicaryavatara

By Zac on Sat, 28 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

Parami offers a clear, insightful and practical guide to the classically challenging Wisdom chapter of the Bodhicaryavatara. She places the chapter in context of the Bodhisattva Path and. with consistent warmth and humour, illuminates this part of the text for those who have been struggling with it. 

This talk was given at Glasgow Buddhist Centre, 2022.


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Dharmabytes: Dharmas Are Dreamlike

By Zac on Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

Society is complicated and we have all sorts of stories about that. Satyajyoti explores how our ideas and our stories create their own realities. Whatever our views are about the world influences how we experience the world.

Excerpted from the talk Training In Wisdom, part of the series Mind Training - The Alchemy of The Emotions, given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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FBA Podcast: Wisdom

By Zac on Sat, 14 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

This is the culmination of Buddhist practice – but what is it and why is it so vitally needed in our lives and in the world? Subhadramati offers perspective, depth and encouragement on the Dharma path.

This talk was given at London Buddhist Centre, 2016.


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Dharmabytes: A Doorway Between Poles of Experience

By Zac on Thu, 12 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

Bhadra shares how emptiness and conditionality combine to fuel bodhicitta and create the foundations of Sangha.

From the talk Absolute and Conventional Truth given at Bristol Buddhist Centre, 2016.


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