Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Mindfulness and Imagination

By Centre Team on Sat, 5 Aug, 2023 - 15:15

“If the doors of perception were cleansed, we would see the world as it really is – infinite.” William Blake

If you enjoy this conversation, come explore the theme online on our Home Retreat with Vishvapani and Vidyamala! Join Entering the Mandala: Mindfulness and Imagination, September 1-7

This week we’re opening portals to awareness and the wonders that can arise when we really start to pay attention to everything that’s going on in the world around us. What would it be like...


Want to get better at the Mindfulness of Breathing?

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 - 09:50

Want to get better at the Mindfulness of Breathing?

By Maitriyogini on Tue, 11 Jul, 2023 - 09:50

The Mindfulness of Breathing is the practice that gives us a structure to take our awareness into the breath, the body, the feelings, the mind and the nature of phenomena.

Over the past six weeks Dhammarati has been leading a series on the Anapanasati Sutta - the Buddha’s instructions on this practice. This Q&A session was offered to the 200 people on the course; watch for a sneak-peak at what next week’s Order retreat on the Satipatthana will be like. There...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: An Error of Perception

By Zac on Thu, 11 May, 2023 - 06:00

Vidyamala simplifies the whole of Buddhism with this succinct teaching on impermanence.

From the talk Overview of the Five Stages of the System of Practice, part of the series The Bridge, the Path and the Goal given at Adhisthana, 2019.


Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast:  On Apple Podcasts | On Spotify | On Google Podcasts

Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.

Subscribe to our Free Buddhist Audio podcast:  On Apple...

Community Highlights
Buddhist Centre Features

Mindfulness and Imagination with Vidyamala and Vishvapani

By dayaketu on Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 - 00:10

Mindfulness and Imagination with Vidyamala and Vishvapani

By dayaketu on Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 - 00:10

Seven days of meditation, creativity and ritual in a spirit of mindfulness and inquiry.

Led by Vishvapani and Vidyamala

Reserve your space!

Friday September 1 -...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter – June 2022

By ratnadharini on Sun, 3 Jul, 2022 - 22:51

Chairs' Letter – June 2022

By ratnadharini on Sun, 3 Jul, 2022 - 22:51

Dear Order Members + friends,

This month I seem to have emerged more fully from the era of Covid lockdowns. As well as my regular visits to South Wales, I’ve also been to London, Stratford-upon-Avon (wonderful to get to the theatre again: Henry VI and Richard III), and Leek in northern England (checking out a possible property for Tiratanaloka). I’ve also been kayaking down the River Taff to Cardiff basin, negotiating a couple of weirs and a lot of rocks...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Vidyamala, OBE! - A Platinum Jubilee Honour for Breathworks (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 432)

By Centre Team on Sat, 4 Jun, 2022 - 09:19

We’re on the road this week with a festive episode of the podcast to celebrate Vidyamala: the extraordinary inspiration behind Breathworks who has just been made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen’s Birthday 2022 Honours List. She has been honoured for her Services to Wellbeing and Pain Management as Co-founder of Breathworks, an organisation which teaches mindfulness-based approaches to people coping with pain, illness and stress.

In a riot of birdsong, on...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Vidyamala Honoured by the Queen!

By Zac on Thu, 2 Jun, 2022 - 15:44

Vidyamala Honoured by the Queen!

By Zac on Thu, 2 Jun, 2022 - 15:44

Leader in Wellbeing and Pain Management is Appointed OBE

Listen to our podcast with Vidyamala on receiving this great honour

Vidyamala Burch, who has dedicated 21 years to helping people manage their pain and illness through Breathworks is recognised for her services to the United Kingdom.

This week, Vidyamala Burch has been made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queen’s Birthday 2022 Honours List. She has been honoured for her Services to...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Reaching Out Into the World

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 30 Aug, 2021 - 06:00

How do we make this Buddhist path available now and into the future? Vidyamala is committed to bringing the Dharma out into the world in a way that they can hear it, practice it, live it.

From the talk entitled What the World Needs - Looking Ahead 50 Years given at the 2017 International Retreat at Adhisthana.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)


Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: The Shape of Mind

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 25 Feb, 2021 - 06:00

As soon as we bring awareness to our mind states they change. Vidyamala speaks to the importance of allowing for growth and integration in our practice. She speaks of the twin pillars of awareness and love and how mindfulness can lead to a deeper and deeper sense of connection with all of life and how kindness is a natural expression of that.

From the talk entitled Citta - Fragments On Love, part of the series An...

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 9: 'Body Scan Including the Three Spheres and Diaphragms' by Vidyamala

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 3 Jan, 2021 - 06:00

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 9: 'Body Scan Including the Three Spheres and Diaphragms' by Vidyamala

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 3 Jan, 2021 - 06:00

Today Laura Horwood-Benton, supporter and social media design consultant with the Dharmachakra team, spotlights a practice-based gem by Vidyamala, the founder of Breathworks: Body Scan Including the Three Spheres and Diaphragms

Vidyamala’s pioneering work in the field of mindfulness for chronic pain has helped transform many people’s lives. Speaking from personal experience, Laura shares how she has benefited from access to these kinds of practice resources. 

Become a Friend of FBA today! 
