Bristol Urban Retreat 2015

Bristol Urban Retreat programme

By jvalamalini on Thu, 12 Nov, 2015 - 09:27

Programme of events at Bristol Buddhist Centre for the urban retreat week

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The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28
The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28

The Greater Mandala - Chapter 1

By Mokshini on Sat, 7 Nov, 2015 - 17:12

Here is the first chapter of Sangharakshita’s commentary on the ratnaguna-samcayagatha, the text on which this Urban Retreat is based. 

Don’t let the long title put you off! What it is all about is exploring how we can live a live with more appreciation, more spaciousness and engagement,  a greater eye for beauty, and developing a more non-utilitarian attitude to places and people around us. 

The chapter is taken from the following book written by Sangharakshita - if you want to read the whole text and...

The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28
The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28

The Greater Mandala - Elämä suuren mandalan piirissä

By Mokshini on Sat, 7 Nov, 2015 - 16:22

The Greater Mandala - in Finnish 

Elämä suuren mandalan piirissä
Johdanto Sangharakshitan ratnaguna-samcayagatha -suttan kommentaariteoksesta Timanttisutra ja buddhalainen viisauden perinne, (Wisdom Beyond Words), jossa Sangharakshita tutkailee arvostamisen ja kauneuden keskeistä asemaa; taito asioista ja ihmistä nauttimiseen niiden itsensä takia, eikä vain hyötynäkökohdista lähtien. 

Please help keep this retreat free 

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The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28
The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28

The Greater Mandala auf Deutsch

By Mokshini on Mon, 2 Nov, 2015 - 15:35

The introductory chapter to Sangharakshita’s commentary on the ratnaguṇa-saṁcayagāthā auf Deutsch 

Please help keep the Urban Retreat free 

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The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28
The Urban Retreat 2015 - November 21-28

El Gran Mandala - en Español

By Mokshini on Thu, 29 Oct, 2015 - 19:19

Introducción - ‘El Gran Mándala’ - de Sangharakshita.

Please help keep the Urban Retreat free

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El Gran Mandala (PDF)102.23 KB
