Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

Parami - Radical Then Radical Now: The History Of Triratna’s Progressive Vision

By Candradasa on Thu, 11 Jun, 2015 - 17:56

Parami - Radical Then Radical Now: The History Of Triratna’s Progressive Vision

By Candradasa on Thu, 11 Jun, 2015 - 17:56

As part of Buddhist Action Month 2015 and the international Triratna Young Buddhists weekend, we present this archive version of a live streamed Dharma talk and conversation by Parami. The talk and discussion touch on many aspects of what it is to find the meeting place between our own highest values and the world in which we find ourselves practising.

One of the most experienced and pioneering members of our Order, Parami has helped build the Triratna Buddhist...

Aryaloka Computer Education India
Aryaloka Computer Education India

Aryaloka photos

By aryaketu on Thu, 21 May, 2015 - 13:15

Aryaloka photos

By aryaketu on Thu, 21 May, 2015 - 13:15

Visiting schools, distributing brouchers and promoting Aryaloka Computer Education for attracting as many as students for summer batch….So far we got 125 students for summer batch but still need another 30 to reach the target.

Young Triratna Sydney
Young Triratna Sydney

U35's National Retreat - "Higher Ground"

By Bodhidasa on Tue, 5 May, 2015 - 04:24

U35's National Retreat - "Higher Ground"

By Bodhidasa on Tue, 5 May, 2015 - 04:24

Buddhism has at its core the goal of freedom. Many of us would like to be more authentically ourselves, but the ideal of complete freedom can bring with it a sense of fear: fear of the unknown, of our own unknown potential, standing out from the crowd or challenging the status quo.

On this retreat we will work together to lighten these fears and explore new possibilities. We will delve into meditation practices that help unearth our hidden strengths.

Come and spend time in...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Triratna Emphasis on Going for Refuge

By Rijupatha on Sat, 25 Apr, 2015 - 10:50

FBA Podcast: The Triratna Emphasis on Going for Refuge

By Rijupatha on Sat, 25 Apr, 2015 - 10:50

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Dhammarati brings us this week’s FBA Podcast entitled “The Triratna Emphasis On Going For Refuge.” Dhammarati explores Going for Refuge and its central emphasis in the Triratna Buddhist Order here, bringing in the story of his own spiritual journey as an example of finding one’s unique response. He also looks to historical sources to identify some of the ways we can deepen our connection practically...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: An Introduction to the Triratna Community

By Rijupatha on Sat, 18 Apr, 2015 - 11:00

FBA Podcast: An Introduction to the Triratna Community

By Rijupatha on Sat, 18 Apr, 2015 - 11:00

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Dharmashalin brings us this week’s FBA Podcast“An Introduction to the Triratna Community.” A broad overview of the conditions and history behind the Triratna Buddhist Community, comes with a healthy side order of questions about narrative and how we tell stories.

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The History Of and Value In Team-Based Right Livelihood

By Rijupatha on Mon, 26 Jan, 2015 - 20:59

FBA Podcast: The History Of and Value In Team-Based Right Livelihood

By Rijupatha on Mon, 26 Jan, 2015 - 20:59Subscribe to the FBA Podcast

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In this week’s FBA Podcast Subhuti gives a rousing talk on “The History of and Value in Team-Based Right Livelihood” within the Triratna Buddhist Movement. He then goes on to explain why it is so important; because it represents an opportunity to live a ‘full’ Buddhist life for ourselves and present society with an alternative to consumerism
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Four Essential Features of Right Livelihood

By Rijupatha on Wed, 21 Jan, 2015 - 15:20
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In today’s FBA Dharmabyte Sangharakshita lays out the “Four Essential Features of Right Livelihood”, particularly the team-based Right Livelihoods that are a distinct emphasis of the Triratna Buddhist Community. This excerpt is from a lovely 2001 talk by Sangharakshita that is well worth revisiting often, entitled “The Six Distinctive Emphases of the FWBO.
The Buddha Festival, Nagpur
The Buddha Festival, Nagpur

Dhammamitra ceremony conducted by Ven Subhuti at the Dikshabhumi.

By aryaketu on Sat, 17 Jan, 2015 - 16:23

Dhammamitra ceremony conducted by Ven Subhuti at the Dikshabhumi.

By aryaketu on Sat, 17 Jan, 2015 - 16:23
Today 25 men and women became a Dhammamitra at Dikshabhumi, Nagpur. The ceremony was conducted by Ven Subhuti during International Mitra Convention where approximately 400 Dhammamitras from all over India came together. Today Subhuti delivered a lecture on sub- Buddhism and Art. He also mentioned the 6 features of a Triratna Buddhist Order i.e. 1) Unity 2) Respect other traditions 3) Going for Refuge to Triratna is...
Vajra Bell
Vajra Bell

Vajra Bell - Winter 2015

Vajra Bell - Winter 2015

By Rijupatha on Wed, 31 Dec, 2014 - 20:38In this issue of the Vajra Bell Newsletter:

Adhisthana: A New Home for the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community

“Stupa-fied: Inspiration Arises from Sacred Space” – by Barry Timmerman

Upcoming Retreats and Classes at Aryaloka

“Reflecting on an Introduction to Noble Silence Retreat” – by David Watt

Updates from the new Spiritual Vitality Council and Board of Directors

Sangha Notes from Aryaloka, Nagaloka, Portsmouth, Montana, Portsmouth, NYC and Concord

