Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Ensuring a High Degree of Commonality of Practices and Teachings: Continuity and Creativity in a United Order - by Subhuti

Ensuring a High Degree of Commonality of Practices and Teachings: Continuity and Creativity in a United Order - by Subhuti

By Candradasa on Wed, 30 Apr, 2014 - 18:53How does an international spiritual community, crossing cultures and language barriers, ensure a coherent, consistent set of practices is in place? What is it to experiment with new approaches? How does a community face both the death of its founder and its own future in a healthy way?

Subhuti’s new paper (written as reference material for a discussion group) lays out some key principles in considering such questions within the Triratna Buddhist Community, and suggests some procedures...
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: First Glimpses - Diamond Sutra & The Sutra of Wei Lang

By Rijupatha on Mon, 28 Apr, 2014 - 14:31
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is an excerpt from the well-loved account of Sangharakshita’s spiritual journey entitled: “First Glimpses: Diamond Sutra & The Sutra of Wei Lang”. “The History of My Going for Refuge” is an inspiring autobiographical lecture taking up Sangharakshita’s story from his earliest experiences of Buddhism and telling how he came progressively to understand the centrality of Going for Refuge in the Buddhist life.
Talk given in 1988.
Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Women Elders of the Triratna Buddhist Community – Parami

By Rijupatha on Sat, 26 Apr, 2014 - 19:04

FBA Podcast: Women Elders of the Triratna Buddhist Community – Parami

By Rijupatha on Sat, 26 Apr, 2014 - 19:04In this week’s FBA Podcast we hear from Parami in the LBC series: “Women Elders of the Triratna Buddhist Community” Parami, ordained in 1980, and one of our International Order Conveners, gives a talk about her spiritual life.

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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Ordination Will Change Your Life

By Rijupatha on Thu, 24 Apr, 2014 - 14:05
Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a personal account from Padmavajra, one of the main teachers at Padmaloka Retreat Centre for men. In “Ordination Will Change Your Life” he evokes the Three Jewels as the great love of a life centred on the heart’s concerns. The full talk entitled, “First Love” was given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2005

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Dharmabyte: Why Ordination, Why An Order?

By Rijupatha on Mon, 21 Apr, 2014 - 17:40
In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, we hear “Why Ordination, Why An Order,” from a talk given on a weekend retreat for women mitras at Tiratanaloka. In this excerpt, Maitreyi shares her personal journey of requesting ordination in the Triratna Buddhist Order. From the full talk: “Why Ordination, Why An Order”.

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Connect with Free Buddhist Audio in your favorite spaces!

By Rijupatha on Wed, 5 Mar, 2014 - 14:44

Connect with Free Buddhist Audio in your favorite spaces!

By Rijupatha on Wed, 5 Mar, 2014 - 14:44Free Buddhist Audio has always been dedicated to bringing the Dharma to listeners in as many places as possible. We try to go where our listeners are, and that’s why we have spaces on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, SoundCloud, here on The Buddhist Centre Online - and now on Tumblr too! Our team continues to work hard to develop a...
Stockholms buddhistcenter
Stockholms buddhistcenter

Insamlingskampanj för nytt center

By Viryabodhi on Sun, 23 Feb, 2014 - 15:08
Nu har vi lanserat en insamlingskampanj för ett Nytt buddhistcenter för Triratna i Stockholm. Det finns nu information på hemsidan och många i sanghan får hem denna folder. Läs och begrunda. Steg för steg blir det lite verkligare.

med metta,
Aryaloka Computer Education India
Aryaloka Computer Education India

Success story of a student : Ashwin

By aryaketu on Sat, 4 Jan, 2014 - 14:52

Success story of a student : Ashwin

By aryaketu on Sat, 4 Jan, 2014 - 14:52Batch Year 2013-14 ( Aryaloka Computer Education, Indora branch Nagpur)
Name – Ashwin Pravin Meshram
Add – Plot no 572, Kushi nagar, Nara road, Jaripatka, Nagpur 14
Mobile : 9096628038
Age : 21 yrs
Caste – SC
Course attended – MSCIT and Tally
Annual family income – below 70000/- Rs.
Family members – 5
After the successful completion of course he has got job as a data entry operator and earning 4000/- Rs.

I am Ashwin Meshram...
