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Tag: Triratna International Council

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

India Boo No. 9 - Closing Council Boo

By Candradasa on Sun, 24 Feb, 2013 - 07:02
Completing the circle on a week of podcasts around the Triratna International Council, we’re back with Sucimani and Dassini in the shade of the great golden walking Buddha at Nagaloka. Reflections on a full, inspiring, moving week with friends old and new…

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Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Summary - Day 6 of the International Council

By Candradasa on Sun, 24 Feb, 2013 - 06:21

Summary - Day 6 of the International Council

By Candradasa on Sun, 24 Feb, 2013 - 06:21A belated summary of the final full day’s happenings on the Triratna International Council. Appropriately enough, we have with us Viveka, one of the two facilitators for the whole gathering, and Vajragupta, who graced our first summary. They recount a very diverse and satisfying day that aimed to make sure we knew what the next steps would be back in our regions around the world; and to allow us to bring the assembly to a close in fitting fashion…
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

India Boo # 8 - Boo Español!

By Candradasa on Fri, 22 Feb, 2013 - 04:47
Parami entrevista a Saddhajoti (Mexico), Vajranatha (España) y Dharmakirti (España-Argentina) sobre su experiencia de la reunión del Consejo Internacional de la Orden Triratna, que tuvo lugar en Nagaloka, Nagpur.

Nos comporten su entusiasmo por la Orden y el gusto de haber participado en la communidad espiritual que formó el grupo de los delgadas que asistieron a la reunión.
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Summary - Day 5 of the International Council

By Candradasa on Fri, 22 Feb, 2013 - 02:31

Summary - Day 5 of the International Council

By Candradasa on Fri, 22 Feb, 2013 - 02:31Reviewing the fourth full day of the Council with the luminous Karunamaya and Mahamati. Looking at ‘leadership succession’ or transition - what does a spiritual community do when its founder and first leading lights pass on? Absorbing discussions all day!
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

India Boo No. 7 - Spanish Boo Part 1 (English)

By Candradasa on Thu, 21 Feb, 2013 - 18:37
Part 1 of an extended podcast featuring the wonderful crew here from the Latin American and Spanish-speaking region of Triratna. Another colorful angle on what unites us and the challenges of connecting with others across oceans and language divides and cultural boundaries…

Part 2 is entirely in Spanish and is even more delightful!

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