London Buddhist Centre
London Buddhist Centre

Buddhism and Social Justice

By Garavavati on Tue, 13 Oct, 2020 - 16:05

Buddhism and Social Justice

By Garavavati on Tue, 13 Oct, 2020 - 16:05

Wednesday 14th October, 7pm-8.30pm UK time

Can Buddhism change society? We’ll spend the evening exploring that question, hearing from four ordained Buddhists on what they understand social justice to mean.

In a symposium of short talks, speakers will draw on the social and political revolution of the Indian Dalit Buddhist movement and why it is so relevant to us, here in the West. We’d love for you to join in the conversation.


Community Highlights
Triratna India

Webinar on Relief work in India

By Sudipta on Thu, 16 Jul, 2020 - 14:48

Webinar on Relief work in India

By Sudipta on Thu, 16 Jul, 2020 - 14:48

Following the success of the Buddha Day appeal, which raised 57 lakh rupees (£60,000 or $75,000) for Coronavirus relief in India, the Coronavirus Relief Work India team have decided to host an hour long webinar about relief work in India on Sunday 19th July to update donors from the West and India.

West Coast USA 02.30 | Mexico 04.30 | East Coast USA 05.30 | UK & IE 10.30 | Europe 11.30 CET | India 15.00...

Triratna India
Triratna India

Support the Nagaloka Relief Fund

By Centre Team on Thu, 30 Apr, 2020 - 17:50

Support the Nagaloka Relief Fund

By Centre Team on Thu, 30 Apr, 2020 - 17:50

Nagaloka is a Buddhist training and conference centre located in Nagpur, India. It is home to the Nagarjuna Training Institute, which provides a residential training course in Buddhism and social activism. At the moment the Nagaloka team is responding rapidly to the coronavirus outbreak by focusing on reducing human to human transmission and providing people with the basic needs - such as food, napkins, soap, masks - and supporting people in the most vulnerable communities in India. 


Triratna News
Triratna News

Public ordinations at Hsuan Tsang Retreat Centre, Bordharan, India

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 21 Oct, 2019 - 22:04

Public ordinations at Hsuan Tsang Retreat Centre, Bordharan, India

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 21 Oct, 2019 - 22:04

Update: You can now watch the ordinations from India here thanks to Triratna India Media.

We are delighted to announce that the following men have been publicly ordained yesterday (20th October 2019) at Hsuan Tsang Retreat Centre, Bordharan, India.

Public Preceptor: Adityabodhi                                                                        ...

India Dhamma Trust:
India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution"

Celebrating the Conversion of Ambedkar to Buddhism, and the start of the Dhamma Revolution in India

By vajratara on Mon, 23 Sep, 2019 - 21:18

Celebrating the Conversion of Ambedkar to Buddhism, and the start of the Dhamma Revolution in India

By vajratara on Mon, 23 Sep, 2019 - 21:18

14 October commemorates the day in 1956 when 400 000 people embraced Buddhism in India, leaving behind social injustice and entering into a Buddhist path of practice.  The man behind this momentous occasion was the great social reformer Dr Ambedkar.  Having tried social and political action to remove inequality in society, he believed that the Buddhist path itself was the key to a powerful and peaceful social revolution.  

Amoghasiddhi, one of our most senior Order Members from India, and Vajratara from...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sakyadhita Conference: Gender Equity for Monastic and Lay Buddhist Women

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 17:33

Sakyadhita Conference: Gender Equity for Monastic and Lay Buddhist Women

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 19 Aug, 2019 - 17:33

Sakyadhita is a Buddhist women’s organisation founded in 1987. The 16th Sakyadhita conference took place near Sydney, Australia in June, with a number of women from the Triratna Buddhist Order in attendance: Kusalacitta from Sydney, as well as Tarahridaya and Karunadeepa from Pune in India. Dharmamodini was there to run a stall for Bodhi Books and Gifts.

Sakyadhita means ‘daughters of the Buddha’, and it aims to promote gender equity for monastic and lay women with a focus on education,...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Public Ordinations at Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Centre, Bhaja, India

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 7 May, 2019 - 11:31

Public Ordinations at Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Centre, Bhaja, India

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 7 May, 2019 - 11:31

We are delighted to announce that the following men were publicly ordained on Sunday 5 May 2019 at Saddhamma Pradip Retreat Center, Bhaja, Maharashtra, India.

Here are their new names:

Public preceptor Amritadipa

Private preceptor Adityabodhi
Prakash Jadham, from Mumbai, becomes Danakirti (Having the fame of generosity)
Shashikant Sonawane, from Yerwada, becomes Karmasena (King of action)

Private preceptor Amritadipa
Vasant Kamble, from Yerwada, becomes Viryashila (Having the virtue of energy)

Private preceptor Jutindhar
Bansi Kate, from Yerwada, becomes Amitruchi (Having Infinite light)
Somanath Bhalerao becomes Shakyadhar (Upholder of Shakya lineage)


Triratna News
Triratna News

Karuna Contribute to Report about Links between Caste and Poverty

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 8 Apr, 2019 - 15:54

Karuna Contribute to Report about Links between Caste and Poverty

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 8 Apr, 2019 - 15:54

Karuna has contributed to a new report just launched by a group of NGOs. The report has found that caste and other forms of “discrimination based on work and descent” (DWD) continues to be a barrier to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the UN in 2015. This form of discrimination occurs in at least 20 countries and is often associated with slavery.

Karuna was established in 1980 by members...

Triratna News
Triratna News

The Indian Restorative Pilot Project

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 4 Mar, 2019 - 15:49

The Indian Restorative Pilot Project

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 4 Mar, 2019 - 15:49

In 2017 Triratna’s Adhisthana kula undertook to offer training in ‘Restorative’ practice within Triratna, as part of a process of learning to go deeper with difficult conversations and revisiting and learning further from past mistakes.

Read more about the restorative process

“Restorative” practice, or process, is a methodology that can be used in many situations “to prevent conflict, build relationships and repair harm by enabling people to communicate effectively and positively”. Having developed from...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #10 Revived Indian Buddhism

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 25 Oct, 2018 - 22:53

5 Years of the Buddhist Centre Online: #10 Revived Indian Buddhism

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 25 Oct, 2018 - 22:53

“The greatest thing the Buddha has done is to tell the world that the world cannot be reformed except by the reformation of the mind of man and the mind of the world.” - Dr Ambedkar

Around the seventh century BCE Buddhism began to go into decline in India, the land of its birth. It was only in the late nineteenth century that it began to be revived: firstly, through the work of institutions such as the Maha Bodhi Society, which was...
