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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Retelling the Tale of the Buddha (Buddha Day 2021)

By Centre Team on Thu, 27 May, 2021 - 20:27

Retelling the Tale of the Buddha (Buddha Day 2021)

By Centre Team on Thu, 27 May, 2021 - 20:27

For Buddha Day this year, we decided to offer up a treat from this year’s fantastic Home Retreat looking at the mythical life of the Buddha and its urgent relevance to us today.

Check out Buddha Day celebrations around Triratna

Follow us on Instagram for live updates all weekend

​Listen to a new series of seven talks by Nagasiddhi on the Buddha’s life

First, we have a beautiful re-telling of the Buddha’s life story told live with handmade sets and puppetry by Mandarava...

Bump elbows, say hello!
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times

In the Footsteps of the Buddha at Rivendell (The Dharma Toolkit Podcast, Episode 38)

By Centre Team on Thu, 25 Mar, 2021 - 14:54

Live from Forest House near Rivendell Retreat Centre in the UK - we’re not sure a podcast setting gets any more mythic than that!

Our friends Mandarava and Nagasiddhi are running an online Home Retreat for us - with amazing puppets, original artwork for the event, and an abundance of magic images illustrating tales from the life of the Buddha. And you are invited!

Register for a space on ‘In the Footsteps of the Buddha’


Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Luminous Mind

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 5 Sep, 2020 - 14:00

Here Akuppa explores the story of who you are and how you come to create the story of you. We need a different story. Living from a truer story of our luminosity and what happens when we come together on the basis of our luminous mind/heart.

This is Part 1 of two talks given by Akuppa to the Triratna Buddhist Community in Scotland online gathering in June 2020.

Listen to Part 2 of this series Transforming Self...

Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

Dead or Alive? Animism - An Ancient Story for Modern Times

By Amaradaya on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 10:24

Dead or Alive? Animism - An Ancient Story for Modern Times

By Amaradaya on Tue, 3 Oct, 2017 - 10:24

Ratnadeva gives a talk on exploring the myth of animism in order to come into relationship with an alive and vibrant earth. Given at Green Earth Awakening, September 2017.

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Hiding the Dharma in Story

By Rijupatha on Tue, 27 Jan, 2015 - 03:03
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In today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “Hiding the Dharma in Story,” Vajratara reminds us how life’s inspirations are found in the stories passed on to us. From the talk, “Purna and the Perfumed Chamber – Stories From Early Sanskrit Buddhism”, given on March 2012 UK Women National Order Weekend. The theme of the weekend was...
Imagining the Buddha...
Imagine the Buddha

Storytelling Bits...

By sanghadhara on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 22:31

From the storytelling performance, with Lokabandhu and his gang, channeling Angulimala

Imagining the Buddha...
Imagine the Buddha

Ratnaguna tells the story of the Buddha and Devadatta

By lokabandhu on Sat, 2 Jun, 2012 - 22:31
On the second evening of Triratna’s 2012 International Retreat, Ratnaguna tells the sad story of the Buddha and Devadatta…
The 2012 Triratna International Retreat
Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now

Seeking the Buddha Through Symbol, Myth and Archetype by Dhammadinna

Seeking the Buddha Through Symbol, Myth and Archetype by Dhammadinna

By Candradasa on Sat, 2 Jun, 2012 - 15:16A jewel of a talk from Dhammadinna on how to cultivate a practice of reflection on the qualities of the Buddha that is relevant to your life experience, and your own culture. Taking as her theme, ‘Re-imagining the Buddha’, she opens up several key areas for us to contemplate - not least the practice of ‘waiting’ to let the images come to us.

This talk closes with a marvellous evocation of ‘felt presence’ (so key to any...