Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

Yoga retreats with Bodhiyoga in Suryavana 2024

By Sudaka on Sun, 3 Dec, 2023 - 17:52

Yoga retreats with Bodhiyoga in Suryavana 2024

By Sudaka on Sun, 3 Dec, 2023 - 17:52

Bodhiyoga 2024. This year two retreats in the warmer months. Late May and Early July. The first retreat, the “Call of the Forest” (25 - 31 May 2024) is a showcase of Bodhiyoga best practices and we present yoga through various modalities. Classical Hatha/Vinyasa, Remedial Yoga and Yin Yoga seemlessly exploring meditation and mindfulness throughout the day. 
In the second retreat, “The Enchanted Forest” - is a Yoga Journey through the Five Buddha Mandala, (1 - 7 July 2024)...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Public Preceptor Appointment: Yashodeva

By akasajoti on Sun, 28 Mar, 2021 - 18:25

Public Preceptor Appointment: Yashodeva

By akasajoti on Sun, 28 Mar, 2021 - 18:25

Dear friends

I’m delighted to say that the College of Public Preceptors has appointed Yashodeva as a Public Preceptor. 

Yashodeva was ordained in 1981 and is now 59. He lived at Guhyaloka for 12 years, which is where he began working with men who were training for ordination, and has continued to be involved with GFR retreats in Spain since moving to Adhisthana eight years ago. He conducted his first ordination in 1999, and is now private preceptor to four men and kalyanamitra...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Nuevo Curso Online - Dharma en Español / New Online Dharma Course in Spanish

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 11:22

Nuevo Curso Online - Dharma en Español / New Online Dharma Course in Spanish

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 18 Dec, 2019 - 11:22

En el ajetreado mundo de hoy, cada vez más organizaciones ofrecen cursos online: las ventajas son una mayor accesibilidad para los participantes, pero también permite que participen una gama más amplia de personas, más allá de un área geográfica limitada. Aprovechando estas posibilidades, el Centro Budista de Valencia organizará un curso de Dharma en línea sobre el tema de la ética budista. ¡Lo interesante de este curso es que no solo está abierto a personas de habla hispana de todo...

Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

RETIRO de INVIERNO - El Mundo en Llamas...

By Sudaka on Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 - 10:59

RETIRO de INVIERNO - El Mundo en Llamas...

By Sudaka on Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 - 10:59

Cambia tu Vida, Cambia el Mundo

Con las aguas frescas del Dharma

Como cada año os ofrecemos la preciosa oportunidad de aprovechar este espacio del solsticio de invierno para empezar el nuevo año de manera diferente y mejor. Abierto a todo el mundo con o sin experiencia.

El mundo en llamas: Hoy, quizás mas que nunca, el mundo y nuestra propia vida están en llamas. Un fuego causado por la avidez, el rechazo, el odio y por la ignorancia profunda. Hoy mas que nunca buscar una respuesta...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Public Ordinations at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre in Spain

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 24 Sep, 2019 - 16:21

Public Ordinations at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre in Spain

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 24 Sep, 2019 - 16:21

We are delighted to announce that the following men have been publicly ordained today (24th September 2019) during a one month retreat at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre, Spain.

Public Preceptor Mahamati

Paul King becomes Viryamati, a Sanskrit name meaning “He who has energy and resolve”
Private preceptor: Swadipa

Gary Murray becomes Aryasara, a Sanskrit name meaning “He whose nature is noble”
Private preceptor: Srikirti

Frederic Rosset becomes Pavaka, a Sanskrit name meaning “He who is pure, bright, shining (like...

Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

Imágenes de la Liberación. 23-29 agosto 2019

By Sudaka on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 13:44

Imágenes de la Liberación. 23-29 agosto 2019

By Sudaka on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 13:44

En este retiro descubrimos cómo una práctica budista nos ayuda a enriquecer y ennoblecer nuestras vidas haciéndonos más sensibles y conscientes de sus ilimitadas posibilidades. Vamos a explorar la vida humana y sus retos a través de unos mitos y símbolos milenarios, rescatados de un texto budista tradicional llamado el Sutra del Loto Blanco, que nos transmiten la belleza y el profundo significado de estar vivos.

Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

Retiro de Verano I: La Meditación y el poder de transformación, 16-22 agosto 2019

By Sudaka on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 13:41

Retiro de Verano I: La Meditación y el poder de transformación, 16-22 agosto 2019

By Sudaka on Thu, 13 Jun, 2019 - 13:41

Meditación y el poder de la transformación.
¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si la vida tiene sentido? o ¿te has preguntado por qué sufro tanto? ¿Qué puedo hacer para entenderme mejor, para darle más significado a mi vida? Vamos a buscar respuestas a estas preguntas explorando  la práctica de la meditación como herramienta de transformación en el día a día en el contexto del triple sendero de la ética, la concentración y la sabiduría.

Triratna News
Triratna News

The Lotus Blooming: Creating the Story of Triratna in Spain

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Apr, 2019 - 15:34

The Lotus Blooming: Creating the Story of Triratna in Spain

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 30 Apr, 2019 - 15:34

Here’s an interview with Dharmakirti, based in Valencia, about the recent Order Day celebration in Spain. He gives us a bit of the history of Triratna in Spain, as well as the challenges and hopes for the future.

When did Triratna Spain first come into being?
Here’s a timeline of Spanish activities over the years:

1986: Guhyaloka land was bought by Subhuti, and the same year Bhante gave his first talk in Valencia.

1988: Moksananda...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Public Ordinations at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre, Spain

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 29 Apr, 2019 - 17:05

Public Ordinations at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre, Spain

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 29 Apr, 2019 - 17:05

We are delighted to announce that following the Public Ordination ceremony today at Guhyaloka Retreat Centre in Spain we have 15 new Order members.

Here are their new names:

Public Preceptor Moksananda

Ricardo Rico becomes Acalamati, a Sanskrit name meaning “He who has an unwavering mind”.
Westernised spelling: Achalamati.
Private Preceptor: Nagapriya.

Bruno Mendosa Valdés becomes Ruciramati, a Sanskrit name meaning “He who has a brilliant and radiant mind”.
Westernised spelling: Ruchiramati.
Private Preceptor: Nagapriya.

Public Preceptor Amogharatna

Hans-Dieter Lehmann becomes Pasadin, a Pali...

Suryavana Retreat Centre
Suryavana Retreat Centre

El baile de los elementos: una aventura de rituales :: The Dance of the Elements: A ritual adventure

By Sudaka on Thu, 4 Apr, 2019 - 14:22

El baile de los elementos: una aventura de rituales :: The Dance of the Elements: A ritual adventure

By Sudaka on Thu, 4 Apr, 2019 - 14:22

Retiro en Suryavana del jueves 20 al 26 de junio (con la opción de asistir solo del viernes al lunes)

The Dance of the Elements: A ritual adventure

Amalamati, Visuddhimati and Lalitaraja invite you to celebrate the elements on a retreat in Spain - near Valencia. Using music, art and movement we will be exploring the elements through meditation and ritual as well as the arts practice of each of the leaders. Lalitaraja is a professional dancer, Visuddhimati is a well-known figure in the world...
