Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Enlightenment as Experience and Non Experience

By Centre Team on Sat, 19 Aug, 2023 - 11:00

Saddhanandi riffs off a talk that Sangharakshita gave to the Buddhist Society in 1975 entitled ‘Enlightenment as Experience and Non-Experience’. She reflects on the content as well as the context, just what was happening with these early lectures by Sangharakshita, just six years after the first ordinations. Given on retreat at Adhisthana, 2022.


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Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Out now: new Complete Works volumes

By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 17 Aug, 2023 - 10:30

Out now: new Complete Works volumes

By Windhorse Publi... on Thu, 17 Aug, 2023 - 10:30

We’re delighted to announce the release of the next three volumes in The Complete Works of Sangharakshita.

The first volume of the Complete Works was published in 2016. Now, seven years later, these latest volumes bring the number published so far to twenty-four. There are just three more volumes still to be published, in November 2024.

The new volumes are available in hardback, paperback and eBook editions. There are various buying options: you can take out a subscription to all...

Triratna Translations
Triratna Translations

Challenges of Translating the Dharma – article part two

By Viryabodhi on Tue, 8 Aug, 2023 - 09:13

This is the second article on translation within Triratna, by Viryabodhi, coordinator of the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB), which goes more into specific challenges in translating the Dharma.

Here is a short url for this post:

I have been working on this for some time and hope you will enjoy reading it. If you have any questions or feedback you can write to me at: 
int.triratna.translations.board [at] 

There is both a pdf and an ePub (if...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chair's Letter – July 2023 – Subhadramati

By Subhadramati on Tue, 1 Aug, 2023 - 17:55

Chair's Letter – July 2023 – Subhadramati

By Subhadramati on Tue, 1 Aug, 2023 - 17:55

This month’s update from the College is a bumper edition before we take a break in August…

Recently the Ordination courses at Guhyaloka and Akashavana were completed, led by Maitreyabandhu and Subhadramati respectively; and the College-led ‘Lineage Retreat’ at Adhisthana was a great success, for which Mahamati was on the team. We wanted to share something from each of these aspects of the College’s work, and asked Subhadramati and Mahamati to write more fully. 

I will be taking part in a few

Triratna Translations
Triratna Translations

The vital importance and challenge of translating the Dharma

By Viryabodhi on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 17:23

This is the first article in a series of articles on translation within Triratna, by Viryabodhi, coordinator of the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB). The next article, which will go more into the challenges, will be published within the next month or so.

Part 2 of the Article is found here:

I have been working on this for some time and hope you will enjoy reading it. If you have any questions or feedback you can write to me at: 

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Letter from the College – June

By ratnadharini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 15:42

Letter from the College – June

By ratnadharini on Fri, 30 Jun, 2023 - 15:42

Dear Order members and friends,

My experience this month has been dominated by preparing for, and enacting, a 150 mile pilgrimage from where Sangharakshita was born in Tooting, London, on 26th August 1925, to Adhisthana, Herefordshire, where he lived the last – and some of the happiest – years of his life, dying on 30th October 2018. Having had the inspiration for the pilgrimage, I realised I could share the experience with others and open it up as a fundraising initiative...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

A Mandala of Light

By dayaketu on Fri, 23 Jun, 2023 - 16:30

A Mandala of Light

By dayaketu on Fri, 23 Jun, 2023 - 16:30

Padmavajra described Sangharakshita’s burial mound as the movement’s ‘most sacred shrine.’ We want to create a mandala of light so that whenever you visit, you can spend time in the memorial garden circumambulating.

Unfortunately, the current solar lights around the burial mound don’t work well; they need to be replaced frequently, aren’t very bright, and, especially in winter when...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Day Nine #PilgrimageUnlimited Video Diary: Winchcombe to Tewkesbury

By akasajoti on Thu, 22 Jun, 2023 - 00:14

Day Nine #PilgrimageUnlimited Video Diary: Winchcombe to Tewkesbury

By akasajoti on Thu, 22 Jun, 2023 - 00:14

Day 9: Winchcombe, to Tewkesbury, 11 miles. Wild cows, wild footpaths, wild effort… 🐄 🌱 🔥 

Ratnadharini writes:

I’m overjoyed to see this pilgrimage has inspired nearly 250 to collectively give over £13,000 to Tiratanaloka Unlimited! It’s a project close to my heart. I did so well yesterday, maybe because I used walking poles. Today was harder: detours to avoid frisky cows; negotiating overgrown - or non-existent footpaths; right hip starting to complain… and crossing the M5 was a shock. But Tewkesbury is...
