Public Preceptors Subhuti and Padmavajra return with a second series on the topic of Eros and Beauty. These two practiced speakers offer three days of inspired exploration of aesthetics and their role in the spiritual life. Series given at Adhisthana, 2014
By Vidyatara on Tue, 2 Dec, 2014 - 17:32An overview of the 2014 Preceptors’ College meeting featuring a message from Bhante, a Skype between Vajragita and the other preceptors which took place just over a week before her death and some insights into discussions about Direct Pointing, Discipleship and the Commonality process.
The video was shot, edited and produced by Moksananda
Vidyatara stands in for the College’s intrepid reporter, Parami and has a chat with Karunadevi & Padmavajra. Tonight’s topics include discipleship, views, consciousness & friendship within the College.
Tonight Parami chats to Sanghadevi - a public preceptor for over 20 years - and Maitreyabandhu who joined the college in March of this year. As well as their impressions of the college, they movingly share with us their experience of a Skype meeting earlier today with Vajragita. Vajragita is not with us as she is unwell with terminal cancer and in today’s Skype with the college, she shared her thoughts and feelings about facing her death.
By Candradasa on Wed, 12 Nov, 2014 - 17:57Adhisthana is again playing host to the biannual College of Preceptors’ meeting, with 25 of the 34 active members on-site until 20 November. In case you don’t know, the College is (amongst other things) responsible for all ordinations worldwide into the Triratna Buddhist Order. So they hold a lot of responsibility for the harmonious development of the wider Triratna Community too!
Each evening we’ll be uploading interviews with a range of the Preceptors...
Adhisthana is again playing host to the biannual College of Preceptors’ meeting, with 25 of the 34 active members on-site until 20 November. Each evening we’ll be uploading interviews with a range of the Preceptors who will talking to Parami - College member and International Order Convenor - about their daily highlights. A written summary of the meeting will also be available after it’s finished.
Vidyatara and Parami talk about the College of Preceptors and what will be covered during the second of their biannual meetings, which is currently being held at Adhisthana.
By Munisha on Thu, 3 Jul, 2014 - 00:48Vidyatara writes from Adhisthana, where she works as assistant to the College of Public Preceptors and its Chair.
“How does an Ordination team of just four support 800-900 women across India who are training for ordination?
What is published poet and brand-new Public Preceptor Maitreyabandhu’s favourite book?
What makes Indian Public Preceptor Jnanasuri happy?
The answers to these questions and more can be found in a series of video interviews with Triratna’s Public Preceptors made during...