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Tag: Public Preceptors

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Preceptors' College Spring Meeting 2015 - Parami & Subhuti

By Vidyatara on Wed, 18 Mar, 2015 - 10:38
Vidyatara spends time with Subhuti & Parami talking about the day’s highlights, their long association, their experience of knowing and working with Dhammarati and the qualities that Saddhaloka will bring to chairing the College.
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Preceptors' College Spring Meeting 2015 - Dhammadinna & Nagabodhi

By Vidyatara on Tue, 17 Mar, 2015 - 12:40
Vidyatara talks to long time friends and College comrades Dhammadinna & Nagabodhi about leadership, generational change, the role of elders, social change and right livelihood and the joys of rejoicing!
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Preceptors' College Spring Meeting 2015 - Megha & Yashosagar

By Vidyatara on Mon, 16 Mar, 2015 - 11:37
Parami draws out the international aspect of the College talking with Megha, one of the four Public Preceptors from Australia/New Zealand, and Yashosagar, one of the six Public Preceptors who oversee the ordination process in India.
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Preceptors' College Spring Meeting 2015 - Punyamala

By Vidyatara on Sun, 15 Mar, 2015 - 16:21
Parami is joined by Punyamala, the newest member of the College, who talks about the experience of her first College meeting and how moving it was to witness the College rejoicing in Dhammarati as he officially finished his 10 year term as Chair.
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Preceptors' College Spring Meeting 2015 - Sanghadevi & Moksananda

By Vidyatara on Thu, 12 Mar, 2015 - 21:48
Vidyatara is joined on the sofa by Sanghadevi and Moksananda to talk about the highlights of the College meeting so far - rejoicing in Manjuvajra and Padmasuri, studying with Subhuti and reflecting on Dhammarati’s time as Chair and Saddhaloka’s poetry…
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Introducing the Preceptors' College 2015 Spring Meeting

By Vidyatara on Thu, 12 Mar, 2015 - 12:26
Parami and Vidyatara are back together again to report on the first of this year’s two College meetings at Adhisthana. This spring meeting has a strong theme of transition running through it..

After 10 years as Chair, Dhammarati is standing down and Saddhaloka is taking up the position. Padmasuri, who has been working alongside Dhammarati as a Deputy for the last decade is also finishing up. Manjuvajra is retiring from active duty as a Public Preceptor and Punyamala is...
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Eros & Beauty II - Subhuti & Padmavajra

By Vidyatara on Tue, 16 Dec, 2014 - 17:37
Public Preceptors Subhuti and Padmavajra return with a second series on the topic of Eros and Beauty. These two practiced speakers offer three days of inspired exploration of aesthetics and their role in the spiritual life. Series given at Adhisthana, 2014
College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Day 7 of the College meeting with Karunadevi & Padmavajra

By Vidyatara on Wed, 19 Nov, 2014 - 09:01
Vidyatara stands in for the College’s intrepid reporter, Parami and has a chat with Karunadevi & Padmavajra. Tonight’s topics include discipleship, views, consciousness & friendship within the College.

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College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Day 3 of the College meeting with Sanghadevi & Maitreyabandhu

By Vidyatara on Thu, 13 Nov, 2014 - 21:21
Tonight Parami chats to Sanghadevi - a public preceptor for over 20 years - and Maitreyabandhu who joined the college in March of this year. As well as their impressions of the college, they movingly share with us their experience of a Skype meeting earlier today with Vajragita. Vajragita is not with us as she is unwell with terminal cancer and in today’s Skype with the college, she shared her thoughts and feelings about facing her death.
