Tag: Preceptors' College

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Chairs' Letter – March 2020

By ratnadharini on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 22:21

Chairs' Letter – March 2020

By ratnadharini on Sat, 28 Mar, 2020 - 22:21

These letters will be published here each month, as well as in Shabda, and preceptorscollege.online, as a means to communicate the ongoing work of the College Chair and updates on current discussions and decisions. Responses are welcomed.

Dear Order members,

I have just been part of witnessing the ordination of Varadhi in Melbourne, on Zoom, along with 106 others. Watching the communication between Maitripala, as Public Preceptor, and Itir / Varadhi, with the Buddha, Avalokitesvara, and Bhante...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Preceptors' College Newsletter – January 2020

By akasajoti on Sat, 18 Jan, 2020 - 10:30

Preceptors' College Newsletter – January 2020

By akasajoti on Sat, 18 Jan, 2020 - 10:30

An update from the Public Preceptors’ including a letter from the new Chair, Ratnadharini, a report on their recent International College Meeting in November 2019, and more…

Follow this link to see the newsletter online.

Triratna News
Triratna News

A letter from Triratna's College of Preceptors

By Munisha on Thu, 19 Jan, 2017 - 13:51

A letter from Triratna's College of Preceptors

By Munisha on Thu, 19 Jan, 2017 - 13:51

Endorsing a Personal statement from SangharakshitaTriratna’s College of preceptors have released this letter, sent to all Order members on 15th January.

“Dear brothers and sisters in the Order,

On 31st December 2016 Bhante released a personal statement to all Order members via the Order Information Service. I am speaking on behalf of all Public Preceptors when I say how glad we are that Bhante has felt able to make this statement and how much we welcome the confessional nature of the contents. I believe...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Saddhaloka article for the College newsletter to the Order

By Saccanama on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:25

Saddhaloka article for the College newsletter to the Order

By Saccanama on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:25

On 26th August 2016 Bhante turns 91. His mind is bright and active and he takes a lively interest in what goes on in the Order and Movement.  He continues to give of himself and in recent months, despite dips in his energy, he has met a lot of people. It was very moving to see the joy of the Indian Order members at the Men’s Convention when having their photograph taken with him. Clearly though, his body is frail, and we...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 08:39

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Tue, 2 Feb, 2016 - 08:39

Sangharakshita’s secretary, Sthanashraddha, reports from Adhisthana in Herefordshire, UK:

“Some 10 weeks have passed since the last report and in that time Adhisthana has passed through the longest night of the winter months and the seasonal nadir of the year. Yet so far one would hardly have noticed, with barely a handful of frosty nights and only one real freezing spell when the ponds froze over leaving the duck population mostly high and dry, if a little cold of foot.

For Bhante the time has passed...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Ordinations at Adhisthana, UK

By Munisha on Tue, 22 Dec, 2015 - 10:34

Ordinations at Adhisthana, UK

By Munisha on Tue, 22 Dec, 2015 - 10:34

We are delighted to report the public ordinations of six more women at Adhisthana, UK, on Saturday 19th December 2015.

Public preceptor Parami
Sue Bower becomes Karunabala: a Sanskrit name meaning “One whose strength is from compassion”. (Dot under the ’n’, long second ‘a’.) Westernised spelling Karunabala.
Private preceptor Padmavajri

Sioned Wynn becomes Prabhakari: a Sanskrit name meaning “She who illumines”. (Long second ‘a’, long ‘i’). Westernised spelling Prabhakari.
Private preceptor Dhammadinna

Nicki Cowburn becomes Varasakhi: a Sanskrit name meaning “Noble friend or companion”. (Long  ‘i’)...


The College of Public Preceptors: November 2015 meeting at Adhisthana

By akasajoti on Wed, 11 Nov, 2015 - 18:58

The College of Public Preceptors: November 2015 meeting at Adhisthana

By akasajoti on Wed, 11 Nov, 2015 - 18:58

The College of Public Preceptors arrived at Adhisthana on Monday for their 10 day bi-annual meeting, many having travelled from India, Australasia, Mainland Europe and North America. 

+Follow the Triratna Preceptors’ College for the next 8 days at thebuddhistcentre.com/preceptors for a series of interviews with those attending, to hear more about them and their work and it’s relevance to Triratna and the world…
