Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Anādi - Without Origin / Sin Origen

By Centre Team on Mon, 7 Nov, 2016 - 23:20

Anādi - Without Origin / Sin Origen

By Centre Team on Mon, 7 Nov, 2016 - 23:20

Bringing to Life the Tibetan Book of the Dead
We’re delighted to launch a brand new original eBook by Binisa Colmenero Lira and David Prats Mira, and a dedicated space celebrating its beauty. Binisa and David are Mitras from Mexico City Buddhist Center. 

Visit the Anādi space | Visite el espacio Anādi

This gorgeously illustrated art and poetry work is an interpretation of the “Bardo Thödol” - known as “The Tibetan Book of the Dead” - derived...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Ritual - The Bodhisattva's Reply

By Candradasa on Thu, 4 Aug, 2016 - 00:18

An experimental “cloud” reading, led by Parami, of Sangharakshita’s poem “The Bodhisattva’s Reply” to mark the end of a strong morning at the 2016 International Council on the theme of “Meeting the Needs Of The World.” 

What will you say to those
Whose lives spring up between
Custom and circumstance
As weeds between wet stones,
Whose lives corruptly flower
Warped from the beautiful,
Refuse and sediment

London Buddhist Centre
London Buddhist Centre

Some Divinity Shaping our Ends

By Maitreyabandhu on Mon, 1 Aug, 2016 - 12:33

Some Divinity Shaping our Ends

By Maitreyabandhu on Mon, 1 Aug, 2016 - 12:33

The poet Robert Frost had a sense that meaning was to be found neither in the supernatural (God) nor in the intimately psychological (the self), but transcended these distinctions. Maitreyabandhu investigates.

‘The interest, the pastime, was to learn if there had been any divinity shaping my ends and I had been building better than I knew.’

   –  Robert Frost in the preface to a selection of his poems, 1942

Other people’s confidence can astound me. They often seem to know who they are and what...

Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Dharma Teaching - Beginners Buddhism: Imagination, Beauty and Ritual, An Eight-Week Course (Padmavajri)

By Centre Team on Sun, 17 Jul, 2016 - 22:41

This course over eight weeks on The Place of Imagination, Beauty, and Ritual in the Spiritual Life was provided by Padmavajri from the Brighton Buddhist Centre.

Padmavajri says: “I led two groups on this. The course was aimed at any Mitras and it turned out I had a group of experienced Mitras, and a group of newer Mitras (one or two years old)… The two groups here loved it, enjoyed it, were challenged by it, and also were helped to understand ritual and the arts...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Wed, 15 Jun, 2016 - 23:42

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Wed, 15 Jun, 2016 - 23:42

Sthanashraddha is Sangharakshita’s secretary. He writes:

“Looking out of the window here in the annexe and seeing the trees now in full leaf it’s hard to imagine they were so bare and stark but a couple of months ago. Our late spring is rushing headlong into summer and the great field has had two or three cuts now, in almost as many weeks. Plants and flowers are emerging everywhere and while the cuckoo was heard here last month, now morning walks and tea breaks are accompanied...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Mon, 2 May, 2016 - 10:41

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Mon, 2 May, 2016 - 10:41

Sthanashraddha is Sangharakshita’s secretary.

He writes: “Spring has been bursting forth here at Adhisthana during April. The oaks are coming into their lime green fresh mantles and the copper beech are sprouting, while the ducklings are finally hatching out! Just the other day Bhante heard the first cuckoo call while sitting out by the pond with Buddhadasa, and he tells me that there are primroses and violets in flower by the path he takes to the pond, while further afield...

Aryaloka Buddhist Center
Aryaloka Buddhist Center

Spring 2016 issue of the Vajra Bell

Spring 2016 issue of the Vajra Bell

By Shrijnana on Mon, 4 Apr, 2016 - 12:54

The Spring 2016 issue of the Vajra Bell is here, featuring articles about arts and the spiritual life and the Triratna Path of Practice.

Triratna News
Triratna News

Maitreyabandhu talks to Archbishop Rowan Williams, poet

By Munisha on Wed, 30 Mar, 2016 - 23:35

Maitreyabandhu talks to Archbishop Rowan Williams, poet

By Munisha on Wed, 30 Mar, 2016 - 23:35

On 19th March, Poetry East, at the London Buddhist Centre, UK, welcomed poet Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury. (Video 44 minutes)

Maitreyabandhu interviewed him. He writes: “We invited Dr Rowan Williams - Archbishop of Canterbury 2002-12, currently Master of Magdalen College, Cambridge -  to talk about poetry, faith, religion and suffering. Here he is in the main shrine room of the LBC, talking to me about his life, his poetry and his faith. He read from his two collections of poetry with ...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Before Dawn

By Rijupatha on Mon, 21 Dec, 2015 - 11:00

We’ve been moved to share an abundant handful of Sangharakshita’s writings and poems this month. Today’s FBA Dharmabyte is a poem entitled “Before Dawn”. Selected from “Hercules and the Birds”, read by the author and published by Windhorse Publications, Glasgow, 1990.

Subscribe to the Dharmabytes podcast
