Triratna News
Triratna News

Aryamati’s new poetry book ‘Travel and Trouble’ now available

By lokabandhu on Sat, 10 Dec, 2011 - 05:48

Aryamati’s new poetry book ‘Travel and Trouble’ now available

By lokabandhu on Sat, 10 Dec, 2011 - 05:48Taravandana writes from Manchester with news of a new poetry book published by a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order. She says - “Aryamati’s well loved poems are now available in a new collection entitled ‘Travel and Trouble’. Her poems have arisen from her longing to create a better world, a world infused with metta and awareness. They are both beautiful and full of emotion, a tribute to her practice. Aryamati has enjoyed playing with phrases and images since she...
Triratna News
Triratna News

13 Ways of Making Poetry a Spiritual Practice

By lokabandhu on Sun, 4 Dec, 2011 - 06:25

13 Ways of Making Poetry a Spiritual Practice

By lokabandhu on Sun, 4 Dec, 2011 - 06:25Maitreyabandhu , a poet and Triratna Order Member from the London Buddhist Centre, writes with news of his latest article, published in Magma 51, a well-known poetry journal. He says “It’s called 13 Ways of Making Poetry a Spiritual Practice - so far the response has been very positive. So I thought I’d make it a bit known. Here’s the opening paragraph and first two points:

‘Spiritual life is primarily concerned with overcoming self-centredness, with committing ourselves...
