College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

The Eight Guidelines | Meditation and Mind Training (Spanish with English Subtitles)

By akasajoti on Tue, 31 May, 2022 - 10:39

The Eight Guidelines | Meditation and Mind Training (Spanish with English Subtitles)

By akasajoti on Tue, 31 May, 2022 - 10:39

Parami, from Glasgow, Scotland, and Paramachitta, from Valencia, Spain, discuss their meditation practice and it’s value in their dharma life, in the seventh in a series of informal, personal, conversations between Public Preceptors about the Eight Guidelines for Ordination Training.

The Eight Guidelines offer a framework through which Order Members and Mitras can reflect on and communicate about their going for refuge and process of training for Ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order. In this series, members of the Preceptors’ College from...

Triratna News
Triratna News

The Valencia Sangha's Search for a New Home

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 7 Sep, 2020 - 11:30

The Valencia Sangha's Search for a New Home

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 7 Sep, 2020 - 11:30

The Triratna Order and Community have been present in Valencia for more than 30 years. From simple beginnings the sangha has grown and become a feature of the life of the city, offering a chance to discover and explore the benefits of meditation on its own or in the context of a more committed Buddhist practice. Over the years the Valencia Buddhist Centre has reached many people with the Buddha’s teaching.

Support the Valencia sangha with a donation.

The Valencia Buddhist centre has also been a base for outreach and connection farther...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations at Akashavana September 2017

By Saccanama on Sat, 23 Sep, 2017 - 12:17

Ordinations at Akashavana September 2017

By Saccanama on Sat, 23 Sep, 2017 - 12:17

The following women received their Public Ordination on 16th September 2017 at Akashavana:

Public preceptor Parami:

Elizabeth Hellard becomes Kamalasiri,
a Pali name meaning: ‘She who has the beauty of a lotus’. 
Westernised spelling: Kamalasiri.
Private Preceptor: Dayalocana.

Penny Strange becomes Vidyamani,
a Sanskrit / Pali name meaning: ‘She who is like...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations in Mexico City 23rd April 2017

By Saccanama on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 10:35

Ordinations in Mexico City 23rd April 2017

By Saccanama on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 10:35

The following women received their public Ordination in the Mexico City Buddhist Centre.

En El Centro Budista de la Cuidad de México, las siguentes mujeres recibieron su ordenación pública:

Public preceptor / Preceptora pública Parami:

Gisela Peters becomes Moksasi (dot under the first ‘s’, long ‘a’ and long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning She who holds the Sword of Freedom. ...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Ordinations at Akashavana September 2016

By Saccanama on Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 - 09:39

Ordinations at Akashavana September 2016

By Saccanama on Tue, 27 Sep, 2016 - 09:39

At Akashavana on 16th September the following women received their public ordination:

Public Preceptor: Padmasuri

Claire Brown becomes Amrtavani (the third ‘a’ is long as is the final ‘i’).
Sanskrit name meaning: ’She who plays the music of the deathless’ ‘she whose song is limitless’
Westernised spelling: Amritavani
Private Preceptor: Dhatvisvari


College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Paramachitta on her inspiration to spread the Dharma in the Spanish-speaking world

By Saccanama on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:35

Paramachitta on her inspiration to spread the Dharma in the Spanish-speaking world

By Saccanama on Thu, 25 Aug, 2016 - 11:35

Before becoming a public preceptor I had the feeling that one of the most joyful aspects would be putting the kesa around someone’s neck, seeing the joy in their faces, ritually pouring water on the crown of their heads, an action so ancient and so beyond the mundane that you can’t help but connect with something much larger than ordinary life.

And so it is: A beautiful day in June in the heart of England, in the mythical atmosphere created in Adhisthana,...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Slideshow of ordinations at Adhisthana June 2016

By Saccanama on Wed, 29 Jun, 2016 - 10:57

Slideshow of ordinations at Adhisthana June 2016

By Saccanama on Wed, 29 Jun, 2016 - 10:57

A more detailed than usual set of photos of the recent ordinations of 3 Mexicans and 3 Spaniards at Adhisthana, photos courtesy of Dhammarati.

We are delighted to announce the names of the dharmacharinis publicly ordained at Adhisthana on the 18th June 2016.

Queridos hermanas y hermanos,
nos da un gran placer anunciar los nombres de las dharmacharinis que han recibido su ordenación...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Paramachitta becomes a public preceptor

By Saccanama on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 15:16

Paramachitta becomes a public preceptor

By Saccanama on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 15:16

Paramachitta was appointed as a public preceptor in October and attended the recent College meeting at Adhisthana in November.

She introduces herself below.

I was ordained in 1990 at Taraloka, privately by Sanghadevi and publicly by Ratnasuri. In 1992 I left the London Buddhist Centre for Spain and along with Parami and Moksananda helped establish the Order in Valencia. I have been actively...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Paramachitta and Karunadevi on the pan-American Order convention and trips to Cuernavaca

By Saccanama on Fri, 13 Nov, 2015 - 15:21

Parami interviews her good friends Paramachitta and Karunadevi about their recent time in Mexico for the Pan-American Order convention as well as their trips to Cuernavaca.