The Valencia Sangha's Search for a New Home

The Triratna Order and Community have been present in Valencia for more than 30 years. From simple beginnings the sangha has grown and become a feature of the life of the city, offering a chance to discover and explore the benefits of meditation on its own or in the context of a more committed Buddhist practice. Over the years the Valencia Buddhist Centre has reached many people with the Buddha’s teaching.

Support the Valencia sangha with a donation.

The Valencia Buddhist centre has also been a base for outreach and connection farther afield, for example, in other parts of Spain such as Barcelona and Madrid, as well as helping in the development of sanghas in other parts of the Spanish-speaking world, having especially close contacts with the sanghas in Mexico and Venezuela.

As a result of the Covid-19 crisis many people have lost much and continue to suffer the consequences in different ways. For the community in Valencia it meant curtailing their activities to the extent they were unable to raise enough to pay their running costs.

Paramachitta, the Chair of the Valencia Buddhist Centre writes:

"We had to leave the place where we had met together and participated in activities which touched our hearts; the place where we had grown as individuals and had met people who became close friends; between whose walls we had experienced joy, celebration, progress, where the Dharma had given meaning to each of our lives as well as that of so many who came through our doors.

We have not given up and like many others, we have taken advantage of the technology which has permitted our activities to continue whilst we have not been able to meet together. However, it is so obvious, that a place to actually meet, talk, deepen friendships, explore our lives together is absolutely essential and we are actively looking for new premises.

We are lucky enough to have the support of the Windhorse Trust who are willing to lend us the money to buy a place, as renting is not a realistic option any more. We will need money to refurbish and make any premises adequate to our needs. We have launched an appeal to help us raise the money needed to make the move and establish ourselves once again in a new neighbourhood. We need 50,000 euros. We are confident that with the support of our friends and all those who value what our Buddhist Centres offer people, the society in which we find ourselves and ultimately the world."

Find out how you can support the Valencia Buddhist Centre's search for a new home