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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Where Does the Spiritual Path Begin?

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 21 Dec, 2020 - 06:00

Practising Buddhism (so much harder than understanding it) involves breaking the chain of the twelve negative links, or nidanas, by moving onto the spiral path, here described in its twelve stages. What is our usual reaction to things that are pleasant, things that are painful and things that are neutral? Sangharakshita gives us a clear description of the beginning of the Spiral Path, that of our response to Dukkha.

From the talk The Stages of the Spiritual Path...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Spiritual Receptivity and Just Sitting

By Candradasa on Tue, 16 Oct, 2012 - 13:40
We’ve been touching throughout the ‘Religion Without God’ series on the idea of working in meditation to get a feel for a ‘space’ or ‘gap’ between the arising of a feeling (in response to what we take in via the senses) and our emotional/volitional response (liking, not liking, etc.). Vessantara is pretty wonderful on this kind of ‘spiritual receptivity’ work, looking to see what is present in our experience and learning how to attend to it...