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Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Celebrating Dhivati - whose legacy part-funded Fifty Years, Fifty Voices

By Satyalila on Mon, 18 Jun, 2018 - 14:56

Here, Sucimani talks with me about Dhivati, whose legacy part-funded The Fifty Years, Fifty Voices Project..  Although we don’t have any recordings of Dhivati herself (a reminder to us to record while we can!), we do have a celebration of her life written by Vijayasri and her family have helped us to put together her ‘Annals’. 

Dhivati’s Annals

In 1968 Dhivati was Joyce Mumford, living in Chessington, married to Ian and mother of Bill, Liz and Julia, taking them to Quaker Meeting each...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Gathering Wisdom While We May - The Opening of the Sangharakshita Library

By Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 4 Feb, 2015 - 00:04
Sangharakshita, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order, has long dreamed of starting a new library to house his collection of 11,000+ books on Buddhism, the Dharma and literature (including extensive reference and poetry collections). Vidyadevi, one of the people who helped make it happen, introduces the new library as it finally opens its doors. Her passion for this project and her love of books is both infectious and challenging as she speaks about a library with its eyes...