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Sangharakshita, His Life and Work

By Abhayamaitri on Fri, 31 Jul, 2015 - 08:59

A fantastic series of talks have emerged from the Croydon Buddhist Centre, to celebrate Sangharakshita’s 90th birthday. Here is a link to a talk by Padmavajra, where he shares how Sangharakshita’s friendship and teachings have changed his life since the 1980s. Other speakers in the series include Vandanajyoti, Dhammadinna, Manjuvajra, and more.

Has Sangharakshita, either personally or through his teachings, changed your life? If so, donate today, to enable his teachings to benefit many others for decades to come.

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Bhante talks about his literary legacy

By Amalavajra on Sat, 18 Jul, 2015 - 11:40

In the first section of this talk (4’54”) Bhante speaks of his literary legacy, alongside the other three of Dharma teachings, spiritual practices and institutions (especially the Order).

The occasion was the 2009 launch of ‘The Essential Sangharakshita’. Its editor Vidyadevi has read everything that Bhante has ever written (!) and will co-edit Bhante’s Collected Works with Kalyanaprabha.

This Collected Works will be the first and definitive collection of all of this precious material, including key edited seminars and talks, articles and short stories that have never been published in book form. 

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