Community Highlights
Adhisthana Kula

Saddhaloka and Moksananda in Conversation about Families

By saddhaloka on Mon, 22 Jan, 2018 - 10:00

Saddhaloka and Moksananda in Conversation about Families

By saddhaloka on Mon, 22 Jan, 2018 - 10:00

Another lovely conversation between old friends and Public Preceptors, Moksananda and Saddhaloka, reflecting on a life being both a parent and a practicing Buddhist within the FWBO and Triratna. 

+ follow the Adhisthana Kula space all week to see more from this series

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See more posts on practice in a family context

Community Highlights
Adhisthana Kula

Maitreyi Interviews Punyamala About Families

By Maitreyi on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 15:00

Maitreyi Interviews Punyamala About Families

By Maitreyi on Sat, 20 Jan, 2018 - 15:00

A great conversation between two friends who are also members of the College of Public Preceptors, exploring Punyamala’s experiences around having children in the context of her Buddhist life within the FWBO and Triratna.

+ follow the Adhisthana Kula space all week to see more from this series

+ follow Triratna Buddhist Families

See more posts on practice in a family context

Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016

Kamalamani: On Unbounded Love

By mokshini on Tue, 14 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

Kamalamani: On Unbounded Love

By mokshini on Tue, 14 Jun, 2016 - 04:00

For Buddhist Action Month 2016 we asked our friends from around the world to say what the Bodhisattva Ideal means to them…

Kamalamani’s exploration of issues around consciously choosing childlessness as an ethical move is both fascinating and challenging. The context of unbounded compassion for all beings is vital and animates an issue we all face in our lives as human beings coming to terms with an over-populated world.

More at - get involved!

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Karunagita On 'A Path for Parents'

By karunagita on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 18:18

Karunagita On 'A Path for Parents'

By karunagita on Fri, 25 Sep, 2015 - 18:18

I have a strong conviction, based on experience, that the context of motherhood offers many invaluable opportunities for insight, heart-opening and personal and spiritual growth. This includes invitations from small children to dwell in the here and now and opportunities for letting go and responding creatively to not getting what we want. We will focus on the inherent opportunities and challenges of motherhood during the weekend.

I was inspired to write this book for myself and for other

International Retreat 2014
International Retreat 2014

And what about the children?

By Munisha on Tue, 27 May, 2014 - 09:48

And what about the children?

By Munisha on Tue, 27 May, 2014 - 09:48Here’s a lively Polish contribution to the children’s evening entertainments.

We seem to have more children than we started with (certainly better than the other way round). About 20 children ranging from about 1-13 years have enjoyed own activity tent full of things to do and play with, and they’ve been a delight to have around, splashing in puddles, sleeping in their parents’ laps in pujas, making offerings and, every night before the puja, enjoying storytelling with Jayaraja and...
People to People, Nagpur, India.
People to People, Nagpur, India.

Video Clip "Learning to make Greeting Cards" in Street Children Project

By tejadhamma on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 12:33

Video Clip "Learning to make Greeting Cards" in Street Children Project

By tejadhamma on Mon, 20 Jan, 2014 - 12:33Our project’s beneficiaries are happy to learn to make greeting cards at the Ganganagar, Nagpur ! This project is run by PTP for the children of wanderer community known as Vadaar. These are migrated and now they are ready to get education to their children. PTP is playing a very special role to bring them in the main stream of the society.
for more details, contact : pple2pple [at] or tejadhamma [at]