Tag: British Buddhism

Adhisthana Kula
Adhisthana Kula

'Opening Up The Thatch' - Parami In Conversation with Tejananda

By parami on Thu, 9 Mar, 2017 - 18:14

'Opening Up The Thatch' - Parami In Conversation with Tejananda

By parami on Thu, 9 Mar, 2017 - 18:14

Some time ago, Tejananda wrote a piece entitled ‘Opening up the Thatch’. In this, he thoughtfully suggests that we need “an open and compassionate discussion” on the issues raised by allegations around historical controversy in Triratna, re-made in a recent short regional TV programme in the UK.

Amongst other points, Tejananda wondered if it would be helpful to engage in some form of ‘truth and reconciliation’ process. Recently, he visited Adhisthana and met with...