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Gift Aid & Tax Deduction. U.S. Dollar donations are tax deductible (Tax ID: 26-3940667).If you are a UK tax payer with a UK postal address, we can reclaim tax on your donation, increasing its value to us with no cost to you. You must have paid tax at least equal to the amount we reclaim on your donation. More information is available here.Monthly gift via standing order: Please get in touch for our UK standing order form.For US bank transfers, please contact us.One-Off gift via post: Payable to ‘Dharmachakra’
Birmingham Buddhist Centre has found an alternative to metal staples for paperwork. A “stapleless stapler” We found this gadget which folds the paper round on itself to secure one piece of paper to another. Amazing.
Last Tuesday a team met at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre, and then went out and did a litter pick to improve the local environment. Here are a few photos of their productive day!
Birmingham Buddhist Action Month continues with a day retreat on Sunday 7th June. The day is Called Big Picture Dharma: The Wealth Gap and Estonia based Order member Vaddhaka is leading events based on his new book The Buddha on Wall Street: Whats Wrong with Capitalism and What we Can Do About it?
Here is the timetable for the day. Its suitable for anyone who knows the two meditation practices Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana. No charge, donations welcome. Bring...
By Munisha on Tue, 10 Jun, 2014 - 17:51Buddhist Action Month has started well. In fact, it started early: the Birmingham Buddhist Centre launched their events at the end of May! They report:
“After a launch evening on the 27th May, we’ve asked the Birmingham sangha to take a green precept for the month. People are making pledges on the Centre’s Facebook page and on a noticeboard in the cafe.
So far this ranges from signing up for a local organic veg box delivery...
By lokabandhu on Thu, 30 Jan, 2014 - 11:44Job Vacancy at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre
Part-time Maintenance and Improvement Supervisor To start Spring 2014.
Modest financial support package available (based on a two-and-a-half day working week).
Deadline for completed applications 28 February 2014.
Following the departure of Siddhimala to Dhanakosa after three and a half years, we are looking for another Triratna Buddhist to join the mixed team of eight Order members and Mitras running our Centre here in Birmingham.
By dharmashalin on Wed, 20 Mar, 2013 - 10:28Triratna Day 2013: Celebrating Gratitude with our wider community
Hosted by the Young Buddhists group
Saturday 6th April, Birmingham Buddhist Centre
Sangharakshita has said many people who visit him thank him for starting the Triratna Buddhist Community. He has observed that they nearly always express gratitude for two things: his clear conceptual presentation of the Dharma, and the warmth of the alternative culture provided by the Sangha. This Triratna Day we will be hearing about Sangharakshita’s...