Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015
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'Big Picture Dharma' - a day retreat at the Birmingham Buddhist Centre

Birmingham Buddhist Action Month continues with a day retreat on Sunday 7th June. The day is Called Big Picture Dharma: The Wealth Gap and Estonia based Order member Vaddhaka is leading events based on his new book The Buddha on Wall Street: Whats Wrong with Capitalism and What we Can Do About it?


Here is the timetable for the day. Its suitable for anyone who knows the two meditation practices Mindfulness of Breathing and Metta Bhavana. No charge, donations welcome. Bring vegetarian or even better vegan lunch to share. No need to book.

10 - 10.15 Arrival and welcome.
10.15 - 11 Meditation
11 - 11.20 Coffee
11.20 - 12.15 Talk on Inequality by Vaddhaka
12.15 - 1.15 Discussion groups
1.15 - 2.30 Lunch
2.30 - 4.30 Buddhism in Action Workshop
4.30 - 4.45 Tea break
4.45 - 5.30 Puja