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Free Buddhist Audio

Falling In Love, the Vajrayana Way

From Sheffield Buddhist Centre on Wed, 4 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
The Vajrayana, or Tantric Buddhism, is a path of radical transformation that harnesses the energy of life's deepest and strongest experiences. Falling in love is one such experience that can provide great masses of energy to power our spiritual development. Vadanya reveals how in the Vajrayana we fall in love not with other people but with the person who we can become - with the ideal of the Enlightened mind - especially as experienced in the figure of the Buddha. He explores our attraction to beauty and the qualities of our future self that we are intuitively drawn to. Using the magical rite of fascination we can develop sraddha, respond to our longing and follow the call from beyond. This sangha night theme explores the scary, exhilarating, radical and challenging nature of the true Dharma. Over the course of these talks we will be forging a Western tantra to bring the spirit of Vajrayana teachings into our here and now. Questions for reflection and discussion: What do you find beautiful? What do you love about the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha? Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 3.12.19
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Free Buddhist Audio

Is Enlightenment Really Possible? (Subhuti In Conversation with Gus Miller)

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 4 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
A series of personal exchanges with Subhuti about the central issues of life. Subhuti is among the most prominent and experienced of Western Buddhists. He has spent the past forty-odd years practising the Buddha’s teachings and travelling the world helping make it possible for others to do the same. He’s here on his Presidential visit to the London Buddhist Centre, which he was instrumental in founding in 1978.
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Bhante as Teacher of the Three Yanas - Three Talks from November UK & Ireland Men's Area Order Weekend OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 19 Nov, 2019 - 18:02

Bhante as Teacher of the Three Yanas - Three Talks from November UK & Ireland Men's Area Order Weekend OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Tue, 19 Nov, 2019 - 18:02

A series of talks on ‘Bhante as Teacher of the Three Yanas’ at the Men’s UK & Ireland Area Order Weekend on 1st, 2nd & 3rd November 2019. Given by three new and recent members of the College of Public Preceptors- Vajrashura, Jnanavaca and Ratnavyuha.

This Order weekend, organised by Men’s Kulas of College of Public Preceptors, marked the first anniversary of the death of our teacher Urgyen Sangharakshita. At this event the previous year many of us joined the...

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Update on Next Steps, November 2019

From Adhisthana Kula on Thu, 21 Nov, 2019 - 14:08

Update on Next Steps, November 2019

From Adhisthana Kula on Thu, 21 Nov, 2019 - 14:08

Adhisthana kula update, November 2019

We’d like to update you about the next steps of the Adhisthana kula work. These next steps formed part of a “Further Response from the Adhisthana Kula to the Observer Article”, published 28th July, and are listed at the end of this update. 

On 23rd August we issued a “Message of Apology and Regret” (point 1) as well as a contextualising note “Addressing our Collective History”. Although it became clear that such an Apology...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Cultivating A Mind of Faith

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 28 Nov, 2019 - 14:00

Suryagupta shares the story of Shantideva, the monk who gave us the exposition of the Bodhicaryavatara, The Way of the Bodhisattva. Born of his direct experience this text is the basis of our Sevenfold Puja where we ritually evoke the many qualities of the Enlightened mind.

From the talk entitled Rejoicing in Merits given at London Buddhist Centre (2019) during a six-week drop-in seminar exploring the Sevenfold Puja and the Heart Sutra.


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First One Month Retreat for Young Women in India

From Triratna News on Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 - 16:22

First One Month Retreat for Young Women in India

From Triratna News on Tue, 3 Dec, 2019 - 16:22

“I was so determined to come here, I sent my resignation (letter) and I came” - Ashweeni (Nanded)

In 2018, for the first time in India, a five week Dhamma training course for young women took place. It was arranged by members of the Indian women’s ordination team and supported by Padmasuri and Karunamaya. It was a significant retreat as many of the participants have families and children, making it was difficult for them to come away...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Delighting in the Mystery of Others

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 - 16:21

Ultimately, one is freed from the state of hatred with a heart of loving kindness.

Vidyavachin  offers reflections on the Metta Sutta.

Excerpted from the talk entitled Radiate Love given at the annual sub35 men’s weekend at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in November 2018.

This talk is part of the series Radiate Love.

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Windhorse Publi...

Thanks to our intern, Gayathri

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 - 13:42

Thanks to our intern, Gayathri

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 2 Dec, 2019 - 13:42

Last month the team at Windhorse Publications had the pleasure of welcoming intern Gayathri Mahesh one day a week for four weeks. A graduate in Civil Engineering from Chennai, India, Gayathri has a passion for writing and is currently studying for an MA in Creative Writing and Publishing at Anglia Ruskin University.

Gayathri achieved a lot in only four days. Her first task was to liaise with publishing director, Priyananda, to gather information about on-demand printing. This included arranging phone interviews...

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Free Buddhist Audio

The Significance of the Seven Line Prayer/ Invocation of Padmasambhava

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Sun, 1 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
The seven line prayer to Padmasambhava is a big feature in many teachings/ practices coming from the Tibetan tradition. Here is a taster of what it might mean for us and how we might relate to it.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Significance of the Seven Line Prayer/ Invocation of Padmasambhava

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Sun, 1 Dec, 2019 - 00:00
The seven line prayer to Padmasambhava is a big feature in many teachings/ practices coming from the Tibetan tradition. Here is a taster of what it might mean for us and how we might relate to it.
