Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Kindly Dialogue

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 14:00

Vishvapani gave a series of talks in 2011 to promote his book Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One (Quercus, 2011).

Here we have a glimpse into the Buddha’s ability to dialogue with kindness and curiosity as he radiated a force field of loving kindness in a society full of debate and discourse. Rather than getting involved in a tit-for-tat argument, the Buddha tried to understand how others think and what is of value to them. 

From the talk entitled...

aparajita's picture

Bristol Buddhist Women’s Community - Kalyanaloka

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 13:12

Would you be interested in becoming part of our community? We are looking for a mitra or order member to join Dayajoti, Trish and Cari, from the end of August or later.  We aim to support each other in our dharma practice and help each other to go deeper.  

The community house is 5 mi ns from the Triratna Buddhist Centre, near the lovely Gloucester Rd.  Easy access to public transport.  The house is spacious, with double bedrooms, dining room, kitchen,...

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jinavamsa's picture

Update on our Covid India appeal

From Abhayaratna Trust on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 13:11

Update on our Covid India appeal

From Abhayaratna Trust on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 13:11

Click here to watch an update on our appeal to support individual Order members in India who are struggling financially due to Covid-19

Karmavajra, who administers our grant programme in India, told us that the Trust and our supporters are ‘a friend in this difficult time and give confidence that the Order is behind us.’

So far we have been able to make 106 small grants but we estimate that more will be needed, so you can still make a one off donation...

karunagita's picture

Monthly Online Parent-Dharma class

From Community Highlights on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 11:42

Monthly Online Parent-Dharma class

From Community Highlights on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 11:42

The London Buddhist Centre and North London Buddhist Centre are offering monthly classes for parents online, every second Sunday from 8th August, 10.30-12.00 UK time. Open to all parents everywhere. The core team is Maitrinita, Karunagita and Rebecca, plus guest teachers. The class includes led meditation, a short talk or introduction to an aspect of the Dharma or practice within family life, an opportunity to connect and talk with other parents and brief ritual.

Please do join us, or pass this on to parents at your centre....

kusaladevi's picture

Windhorse eBook giveaway this week is inconceivable!

From Community Highlights on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 11:35

Windhorse eBook giveaway this week is inconceivable!

From Community Highlights on Thu, 23 Jul, 2020 - 11:35

A Message from Helen at Windhorse Publications:

In this video, Vajragupta explains what he appreciates most about Sangharakshita’s approach to scriptural commentary in The Inconceivable Emancipation.

Welcome to Week 19 of our Free the Dharma eBook giveaway! This week, we’re offering The Inconceivable Emancipation, a commentary by Sangharakshita on the Vimalakīrti-Nirdeśa, an important Mahāyāna sūtra. A print version of this book is included in Volume 16 of The Complete Works of Sangharakshita, Mahāyāna Myths and Stories. 

Mahāyāna Buddhism, to which the Zen and Tibetan traditions are related,...

Ratnadeva's picture

There is a Field...

From West London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 21 Jul, 2020 - 14:17

There is a Field...

From West London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 21 Jul, 2020 - 14:17

Bodhilila recites Rumi on the first night of our ‘There is a Field…Online Retreat’ after talking about building community, building Sangha, maintaining connections and how we might integrate retreat conditions in the day to day. 

Extracted from the longer poem ‘The Great Wagon’.

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha Jewel In Scotland

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Tue, 21 Jul, 2020 - 01:00
18th May 2019 Parami gave this talk exploring the Buddha jewel in Scotland as part of her welcome home to Glasgow during the GBC Buddha day celebrations.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

An Introduction to Vajrapani

From Glasgow Buddhist Centre on Tue, 21 Jul, 2020 - 01:00
21st January 2020 1st in series of talks on theme of Vajrapani being given in Glasgow Buddhist Centre by Viryadevi during 2020. In this she explores who is Vajrapani and where did he come from?
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Transforming Self and World Part 1: The Luminous Mind

From Community Highlights on Tue, 21 Jul, 2020 - 00:00
Part 1 of two talks given by Akuppa to the Triratna Buddhist Community in Scotland online gathering in June 2020. Here he explores the story of who you are and how you come to create the story of you. We need a different story. Living from a truer story of our luminosity and what happens when we come together on the basis of our luminous mind/heart.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Transforming Self and World Part 2: Buddhist Politics

From Community Highlights on Tue, 21 Jul, 2020 - 00:00
Part 2 of talk given by Akuppa to the June online gathering of the Triratna Buddhist Community in Scotland. Here he examines the relationship between the notion of self and society. He asks how do we engage with the collective life of the society we are part of. Using the examples of the Buddha, Dr Ambedkar, and Sangharakshita as to how we might do that.
