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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Long Ago in Ancient India

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 12 Oct, 2020 - 05:10

Padmavajra tells the tale of Bahiya of the Bark Cloth demonstrate his ability to instantly wake others up to Reality. The Buddha was the first of the Mahasiddhas, or Great Perfected Ones. In the sixth century a new kind of Buddhist practitioner appears, picking up on these aspects of the teachings of the Buddha and opening up a new universe of myth, symbol and imagination.

From the talk entitled The Buddha and the Mahasiddhas, part of the eight-part...

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Yoga teacher training 200 hours Certification with Bodhiyoga at Suryavana 2021

From Suryavana Retreat Centre on Sat, 10 Oct, 2020 - 18:31

Yoga teacher training 200 hours Certification with Bodhiyoga at Suryavana 2021

From Suryavana Retreat Centre on Sat, 10 Oct, 2020 - 18:31

We are now offering our 200 & 500 hour Teacher trainings for 2021.
Places are limited with extra precautions in relation to CV19.
Following three key protocols to help guarantee health security:

1.  Single room occupancy with ensuite bathroom,
at no additional cost
2. Students to do a test for Covid free or immunity
3. All training activities and eating
take place outside, “al fresco”

For more details

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: The Monster of Impermanence

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 10 Oct, 2020 - 05:10

Subhadramati explores the nature of impermanence as part of the London Buddhist Centre’s week-long exploration of Mind Reactive / Mind Creative for the 2018 Urban Retreat.

This talk is part of the series Mind Reactive / Mind Creative.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)

Subscribe to our Free Buddhist Audio podcast - a full Dharma talk every week! (Apple Podcasts)

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Sangharakshita's 'Complete Works' Returns to India

From Triratna News on Fri, 9 Oct, 2020 - 09:09

Sangharakshita's 'Complete Works' Returns to India

From Triratna News on Fri, 9 Oct, 2020 - 09:09

In this video, from Urygen House, Vidyadevi introduces the work of the literary executors - and her work as series editor - of Sangharakshita’s Complete Works. Launched in October 2016, the Complete Works includes all Sangharakshita’s previously published work, as well as talks, seminars and writings published for the first time. This collection of twenty-seven volumes will represent the definitive edition of his life’s work.

Here we take a closer look at the latest volume in production - Dr. Ambedkar and...

Jinamati's picture

Update on Prajnapriya's health

From Order Connection on Thu, 8 Oct, 2020 - 10:19

Update on Prajnapriya's health

From Order Connection on Thu, 8 Oct, 2020 - 10:19

Dear friends,

Thank you so much for all the kind thoughts and messages you’ve sent; I can honestly say each message has brought tangible warmth with it.

In response to where to send cards, please send to:
Prajnapriya c/o Rijumitra, Vajraloka, Tyn-Y-Ddol, Corwen, Denbighshire, LL21 0EN (Wales, UK)

Prajnapriya, who has been a keen runner for many years, said that severe chest pains came on some time after running on Sunday. He...

aparajita's picture

If your website is showing to some as 'unsafe'...

From Triratna Resources on Thu, 8 Oct, 2020 - 09:53

If your website is showing to some as 'unsafe'...

From Triratna Resources on Thu, 8 Oct, 2020 - 09:53

This from Dhammamegha:

We have had some trouble at Windhorse Publications earlier this year where access to the site was blocked for potential users. It turned out that there was a Vodafone algorithm that was wrongly applied to us. This applied to both Vodafone contracts and broadband supplied by them, including by third parties. Vodaphone’s algorithm made the judgement that the site contained indecent or inappropriate material. 

Because I’m a Vodafone user, I know that there are other Triratna sites that have had similar...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: How does Buddhism speak to us?

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 8 Oct, 2020 - 05:10

Here Sangharakshita explores how Buddhism, being the most rational of religions, appeals no less to the heart than to the head, using the language of myth to do so. Examples are four ‘myths’ from the Buddha’s biography, here correlated with four of Jung’s archetypes.

From the talk entitled Buddhism and the Language of Myth, part of the series Ritual and Devotion in Buddhism, 1967.

Here Sangharakshita explores how Buddhism, being the most rational of religions, appeals...

Amalasiddhi's picture

Sadhana de Avalokiteshvara en Espanol

From Shabda Articles on Wed, 7 Oct, 2020 - 20:41

Sadhana de Avalokiteshvara en Espanol

From Shabda Articles on Wed, 7 Oct, 2020 - 20:41

aqui comparto una traduccion que hice de la Sadhada de Avalokiteshvara. La trduccion esta basada en dos traduccion del Tibetano al Ingles; una de John Driver y otra mas reciente de Tillmann Lhundrup. Kamalashila estuvo involucrado en la traduccion con Tillman 

Espero esta traduccion sea de beneficio para otros ispanohablantes. 

En otro post compartire reflecciones y ensenanzas que aprendi en retiros con Vessantara y con Kamalashila sobre esta Sadhana. 


La Práctica Espiritual

Mahakarunika y Mahamudra Conjuntas

Primera parte

Suplica de linaje

Namo Guru Lokeshvara Ya 

Al Señor de los diez poderes, pináculo de los Sakyas

A los arahants,...

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Free Buddhist Audio

How to Develop Spiritual Friendship: the Four Tantric Rites An Introduction

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Wed, 7 Oct, 2020 - 00:00
Triratna holds up the ideal of spiritual friendship; this model can help us be proactive in developing our own capacity for friendship and connection. Before we do that it's helpful to recognise our own conditioning around friendship and think about how that plays out as we encounter the Sangha.
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Free Buddhist Audio

How to Develop Spiritual Friendship: the Four Tantric Rites An Introduction

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Wed, 7 Oct, 2020 - 00:00
Triratna holds up the ideal of spiritual friendship; this model can help us be proactive in developing our own capacity for friendship and connection. Before we do that it's helpful to recognise our own conditioning around friendship and think about how that plays out as we encounter the Sangha.
