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Free Buddhist Audio

Padmasambhava Skull Garland Mantra

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 7 May, 2021 - 01:00
Mantra chanting can be tricky if you're leading an on-line puja. The Taraloka community have recorded a few mantras, all about 5 minutes long, which you are welcome to use for rituals on-line.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Bodhicitta: a Personal Talk

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 7 May, 2021 - 01:00
Maitridevi gives a moving and personal talk on her relationship with 'bodhicitta'. From 'Moon of the Mind: Bodhicitta' Taraloka & Tiratanaloka online Great Gathering weekend, for women training for ordination and Order Members.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Moon of the Mind: Bodhicitta

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 7 May, 2021 - 01:00
A clear and passionate talk, looking at bodhicitta and its twin aspects of love and letting go: wisdom and compassion. Maitrisiddhi explores the role of paradox and how we need to 'hold two necessary ideas together' without polarising between them. From 'Moon of the Mind: Bodhicitta' Taraloka & Tiratanaloka online Great Gathering weekend, for women training for ordination and Order Members.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Mamaki and the Wisdom of Sameness

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 7 May, 2021 - 01:00
Maitrivajri explores Mamaki's abundance and draws our her qualities. From a Taraloka retreat on the Mandala of the Five Female Buddhas.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Tara and the All Accomplishing Wisdom

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Fri, 7 May, 2021 - 01:00
What are the qualities of Buddha-Tara? From a Taraloka retreat on the Mandala of the Five Female Buddhas.
Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Sangha is Togetherness

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 6 May, 2021 - 06:00

Munisha talks about insights gained from traveling in her early life, including realizing she didn’t know how to get along well with others. Some years later, she discovered the Triratna Buddhist Community where friendship is a basic organizing principle around which everything is based.

From the talk entitled A Life in the Sangha given on Zoom to the Stockholm Sangha to celebrate Sangha Day, in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic, November 2020.


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Temporary and Permanent Spaces in a Women's Community in London

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 5 May, 2021 - 14:18

Temporary and Permanent Spaces in a Women's Community in London

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 5 May, 2021 - 14:18


We are Samayakula - located just around the corner from the London Buddhist C​entre in Bethnal Green. We are a women’s community of ​twelve GFR Mitras and Dharmacharinis, aged 28-75 with a broad range of interests including gardening, music, film, period drama, pizza, five rhythms and more. Tulip the cat is also a beloved member of our community - she can often be found dwelling on the nature of impermanence. 

We have a couple of short-term vacancies coming up from 13 June to the beginning of October, along with a potential permanent place, and are looking...

padmavajra's picture

Upcoming Ordination in Manchester

From Order Connection on Wed, 5 May, 2021 - 10:33

Upcoming Ordination in Manchester

From Order Connection on Wed, 5 May, 2021 - 10:33

Dear Order Members,

I am happy to announce that Barrie Stanhope has been invited to join the Order. Barrie made contact with Manchester Triratna back in the 1990s and considerable ill health means he can’t participate in the other ordination retreats that are planned. So he will receive his private ordination from Aparajita in context of a private retreat near Southport at 11am Saturday 22nd May.

He will receive his public ordination from me, Padmavajra, at the Manchester...'s picture

Ordinations at Adhisthana

From Order Connection on Tue, 4 May, 2021 - 21:06

Ordinations at Adhisthana

From Order Connection on Tue, 4 May, 2021 - 21:06

Dear Order Members

I’m delighted to let you know that five public ordinations took place at Adhisthana this afternoon. Four of the new dharmacarinis were due to be ordained in 2020, but the Covid crisis has meant that several different plans for their ordination retreat had to be cancelled. But finally, five of them arrived here from various quarters of the UK and mainland Europe, along with their preceptors, in the midst of their predominantly online retreat.  High winds, heavy rain...

Sadayasihi's picture

Ordinations at Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 May, 2021 - 21:05

Ordinations at Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 May, 2021 - 21:05

We are delighted to announce that five public ordinations took place at Adhisthana this afternoon. Four of the five new dharmacarinis were due to be ordained in 2020, but the Covid crisis has meant that several different plans for their ordination retreat had to be cancelled. But finally, five of them arrived here from various quarters of the UK and mainland Europe, along with their preceptors, in the midst of their predominantly online retreat.  High winds, heavy rain and...
