Subhadramati's picture

Upcoming Private Ordinations

From Order Connection on Wed, 28 Apr, 2021 - 08:59

Upcoming Private Ordinations

From Order Connection on Wed, 28 Apr, 2021 - 08:59

Dear Order Members,

The following ten women will have their private ordinations on Thursday 29th April in various locations between 4pm and 8pm British Summer Time. 

Christine Cather
Hilary Barclay
Hannah Peaty
Kate Luker
Robin Ellis
Emma Sohlgren
Imogen Tennison
Charlotte Lawes
Jenny Tarrant
Rowena Wingfield-Davies

The public ordinations will be on the 4th, 6th and 7th May. Please send lots of metta.

Yours in...

Sadayasihi's picture

Ordinations in Berlin, Germany

From Triratna News on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 19:22

Ordinations in Berlin, Germany

From Triratna News on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 19:22

We are very happy to announce the second part of our Public Ordinations today, on April 26th, 2021 of the Joint Online Mainland European Ordination Retreat.

Inge Nilson from Berlin, Germany, becomes Amalagarbha (long final ‘a’) a Sanskrit and Pali name meaning ‘she who has inner purity’

Beate Wilbrand from Essen, Germany, becomes Prasannagita (long final ‘i’ and ‘a’) a Sanskrit name meaning ‘she whose song is one of clarity, brightness and tranquility’


Kulanandi's picture

Ordinations in Berlin, Germany

From Order Connection on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 19:11

Ordinations in Berlin, Germany

From Order Connection on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 19:11

Dear Friends

I am very happy to announce the second part of our Public Ordinations today, on April 26th, 2021 of the Joint Online Mainland European Ordination Retreat.

Inge Nilson from Berlin, Germany, becomes Amalagarbha (long final ‘a’) a Sanskrit and Pali name meaning ‘she who has inner purity’
Registered spelling:  Amalagarbha

Beate Wilbrand from Essen, Germany, becomes Prasannagita (long final ‘i’ and ‘a’) a Sanskrit name meaning ‘she whose song is one...

Ratnagarbha's picture

Cowboy Zen – a unique poetic sequence by Mary McCray

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 10:24

Cowboy Zen – a unique poetic sequence by Mary McCray

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 10:24

Cowboy Meditation Primer – poetry sequence by Mary McCray

(Taster  from Urthona issue 35 ‘American Zen’)

A unique sequence of poems in which the hard lives and gritty adventures of cowboys on the trails of 19th Century New Mexico are combined with Buddhist Wisdom.

It’s 1870s New Mexico. A heartbroken city journalist has joined a cattle drive in order to learn how to be a real cowboy. He meets a cattle company traveling up the Goodnight Loving Trail in New Mexico Territory. Not only do the...

Karunadevi's picture

Ordinations at Dharmadhara Retreat Center in California

From Order Connection on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 09:41

Ordinations at Dharmadhara Retreat Center in California

From Order Connection on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 09:41

Dear Order members,

Two women will be ordained on a small ordination retreat held May 7 - 15 at Dharmadhara Retreat Center, north of San Francisco.

Robin Smith from New Orleans, Louisiana, and Myra Bicknell of Seattle, Washington will be privately ordained on May 11th.  The Public Ordination will be held on May 15th.

Robin’s private preceptor is Padmatara, and Myra’s is Taraprabha.
Karunadevi is the Public Preceptor.

Thank you,

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: The Spiritual Faculties are Embryonic

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 26 Apr, 2021 - 06:00

Vajradevi reminds us that the word indriya (‘faculty’) applies to both spiritual and sense faculties and that we can use the latter to strengthen the former. Delighting in the word ‘moha’ sounding like ‘a soft fluffy cloud’, Vajradevi draws out the fact that it is the most difficult of the poisons to recognise - greed and aversion being much louder and more colourful. It’s also ‘a natural state of affairs’ until we can create and support conditions to...

Sadayasihi's picture

Ordinations in Metta Vihara, Holland

From Triratna News on Sun, 25 Apr, 2021 - 09:40

Ordinations in Metta Vihara, Holland

From Triratna News on Sun, 25 Apr, 2021 - 09:40

We very happy to announce the first Public Ordinations on Saturday, 24th April 2021, of the Joint Online Mainland European Ordination Retreat.

Karin van Kesteren from Diemen, The Netherlands, becomes Abhayanetri (long final ‘i’) a Sanskrit name meaning ‘she who leads from fearlessness’.

Anna van den Heuvel from Arnhem, The Netherlands, becomes Hrdayamaitri (dot under the first ‘r’, long final ‘i’) a Sanskrit name meaning ‘she whose friendship is from the heart’.

Riet Dhuyvetters from...

Kulanandi's picture

Ordinations in Metta Vihara, Holland

From Order Connection on Sun, 25 Apr, 2021 - 09:10

Ordinations in Metta Vihara, Holland

From Order Connection on Sun, 25 Apr, 2021 - 09:10

Dear Order Members,

I am very happy to announce the first Public Ordinations on Saturday, 24th April 2021, of the Joint Online Mainland European Ordination Retreat.

Karin van Kesteren from Diemen, The Netherlands, becomes Abhayanetri (long final ‘i’) a Sanskrit name meaning ‘she who leads from fearlessness’.
Registered spelling:  Abhayanetri

Anna van den Heuvel from Arnhem, The Netherlands, becomes Hrdayamaitri (dot under the first ‘r’, long final ‘i’) a Sanskrit name meaning ‘she whose...

Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammachari Amoghabhadra

From Order Connection on Sat, 24 Apr, 2021 - 19:10

Death of Dhammachari Amoghabhadra

From Order Connection on Sat, 24 Apr, 2021 - 19:10

Dear brothers and sisters,

It is very sad to inform you of the death of Dhammachari Amoghabhadra, at the age of 51 he passed away on 24th April 2021 around 5.00 pm. For coronavirus treatment, he was hospitalized for the last 15 days. A few days back we received the news that his health is improving. I had dialogue with him from the hospital.

Amoghabhdra was ordained on 25th March 1993. Subhuti was his private preceptor and public ordination given by Dhammachari Suvajra.  For many years he...

Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammachari Shilavajra

From Order Connection on Sat, 24 Apr, 2021 - 18:38

Death of Dhammachari Shilavajra

From Order Connection on Sat, 24 Apr, 2021 - 18:38

Dear brothers and sisters,

It is very sad to inform you that Dhammachari Shilavajra passed away on 24th April 2021 around 1.00 pm. He was hospitalized for coronavirus treatment for one week and was on a ventilator for the last three days.

Shilavajra was ordained on 17th December 2017 at Bordharan retreat centre. Dhammachari Ratnasiddhi was his private preceptor and Amrutadeep gave him public ordination. He was very polite and friendly in nature. He was very active in his Dhamma life and even he...
