Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: Metta Bhavana as Insight Practice

From Free Buddhist Audio on Thu, 13 May, 2021 - 06:00

Bodhidasa discusses the Metta Bhavana and the way it is taught in the Triratna system of meditation. Reflecting on the Karaniya Metta Sutta and Buddhaghosha’s 5th century text the Visuddhimagga, Bodhidasa explores how this core practice relates to the Bodhisattva ideal, and how we can expand, refresh and enrich our metta practice in all its stages by re-visiting the structure.

From the talk entitled Beyond Boundaries given at Sydney Buddhist Centre, 2018.

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LDNBuddhist's picture

The Buddha's Social Revolution

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 12 May, 2021 - 16:05

In the first weeks after his Enlightenment, the Buddha stayed alone near the Bodhi tree, assimilating his profound discovery and enjoying its bliss. But from the first moment he encountered another human being, the force of his compassion led him to revolt against the social hierarchies of his day. In this impassioned talk at the London Buddhist Centre’s 2021 Buddha Day celebrations, Subhuti explores the nature of social conditioning. In doing so, he calls for greater efforts to understand differing...

gunabhadri's picture

Part time admin role available at Breathworks

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Wed, 12 May, 2021 - 13:54

Breathworks are offering a part-time Admin role

“We’re hiring!  Could you be our Admin Assistant?

One of our long-standing team members, Sarasuvanna, will retire later this month and we are looking for somebody to come alongside the other two part-time administrators to help with administering our events and programmes.

The deadline for applications is 21st May (though we may close it earlier so apply as soon as you can). 

This could be a great first step into an administrative role, and an opportunity...

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Vajrashura's picture

Videos and Resources from Sikkha Mentoring Retreat Now Available OM

From The Sikkha Project on Wed, 12 May, 2021 - 11:02

Videos and Resources from Sikkha Mentoring Retreat Now Available OM

From The Sikkha Project on Wed, 12 May, 2021 - 11:02

The Sikkha Meditation Mentoring Retreat ran online via Adhisthana, 10th - 15th April 2021, with around 115 people on it. The theme was The Three Myths.

The retreat was a great success (in my view!) and the videos and resources are well worth checking out. You can see them all here:

Karmavajra's picture

Death of Punyavira

From Order Connection on Tue, 11 May, 2021 - 17:59

Death of Punyavira

From Order Connection on Tue, 11 May, 2021 - 17:59

Dear brothers and sisters,

I am sad to inform you that Dhammachari Punyavira (Mumbai) passed away around 3.30 PM today. He was 78 years old. He was ordained at Bordharan Retreat centre on 5th October 2008. Adityabodhi was his private preceptor and public ordination was given by Dhammachari Chandrashil.

He was living with his family at Andheri in Mumbai and, due to old age, it was difficult for him to keep in contact for some years. In our ordination process  we did some retreats together....

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha's Social Revolution

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 11 May, 2021 - 00:00
In the first weeks after his Enlightenment, the Buddha stayed alone near the Bodhi tree, assimilating his profound discovery and enjoying its bliss. But from the first moment he encountered another human being, the force of his compassion led him to revolt against the social hierarchies of his day. In this impassioned talk at the London Buddhist Centre's 2021 Buddha Day celebrations, Subhuti explores the nature of social conditioning. In doing so, he calls for greater efforts to understand differing experiences and an attempt to relate on the basis of the Buddha's radical vision for humankind.
Maitriyogini's picture

The Guru's Advice: Sub35 Festival Retreat

From Adhisthana on Mon, 10 May, 2021 - 12:12

The Guru's Advice: Sub35 Festival Retreat

From Adhisthana on Mon, 10 May, 2021 - 12:12


Lived out fully, Buddhist practice is revolutionary. Its purpose is a complete transformation of every element of our lives and of the world around us. 

The legendary Tibetan Guru Padmasambhava is the archetype of this transformation. His mythic life story presents a conflict between the forces of light and the forces of darkness – a conflict that takes place within our own hearts and minds. Following his example, we can learn to...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: The Practice of Creating Sangha

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 10 May, 2021 - 06:00

This is an exploration by Saddhaloka of the distinguishing role of Sangha, spiritual community, in the development and life of the Triratna (formally Western) Buddhist Order, and, in fact, in any kind of Buddhist spiritual life. Saddhaloka here is steady and thoughtful as ever…

From the talk entitled Creating Sangha and Changing the World given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2002.

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Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammachari Vinayagarbha

From Order Connection on Sat, 8 May, 2021 - 17:46

Death of Dhammachari Vinayagarbha

From Order Connection on Sat, 8 May, 2021 - 17:46

Dear brothers and sisters,

I am very sad to inform you that Dhammachari Vinayagarbha passed away today 8th May 2021 around 8.00 PM. He was hospitalized for 15 days to get corona treatment. He used to live with his son in Pune and for a few days, he went to his home town at Purna near Nanded.

Vinyagarbha was ordained at Urgyen Sangharakshita Meditation and retreat centre at Nanded on 14th October 2018. Chandrabodhi was his private preceptor and public ordination was given by Dhammachari Adityabodhi. I found...

Saddhammapradip's picture

Dh Jnanghosh - at Solitary

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sat, 8 May, 2021 - 09:30

Dh Jnanghosh - at Solitary

From Saddhamma Pradeep Retreat Center on Sat, 8 May, 2021 - 09:30
Dh Jnanghosh did solitary retreat for 15 days at retreat center just before one month. We have requested him to write about his experience Of solitary retreat but somehow not able to follow up with him.
