Triratna Earth Sangha - a recently formed group of Order members, mitras and friends from across the world who are deeply concerned about the environmental plight of the Earth and all the attendant suffering this is already causing and will cause in the future - invites both Buddhist centres and individual practitioners to follow the lead of the Glasgow sangha by sitting in meditation in a public space at 3pm UK time (or your own time,...
We are delighted to announce a Public Ordination that took place at the Manchester Buddhist Centre on 23rd May 2021. The ceremony was conducted in the Lotus Hall with a restricted number of sangha and family members attending.
The new Dharmachari was privately ordained on a private retreat with his preceptor Aparājita, and the Public Preceptor was Padmavajra:
Barrie Stanhope from Southport, in North-West England, becomes Buddhamaitrī. He who has the friendliness of the Buddha. (The last i is long)
Maitrisara explores two kinds of action: skilful and unskilful in the light of understanding, seeing possibilities. Buddhist ethics is as much a matter of intelligence as it is good intention.
La voie parfaite est facile pour ceux qui n'ont pas de préférences. A travers cette citation, Ujumani explore les thèmes de la simplicité et du contentement, et en quoi elle peut nous mener vers l'Eveil.
Abhayavaca investigates fear and courage both in his own experience and in the example of the Buddha. This talk was given as part of the GBC's Buddha day celebrations in 2021
I’m very happy to let you know that ten public ordinations took place at Taraloka this afternoon. This culminates the UK spring ordination retreats led by Subhadramati, Vajratara, Hridayagita and Danayutta from Taraloka over the last five weeks. The new order members did the retreat with their private preceptors at various locations in the UK with a full online retreat programme from Taraloka. We’re delighted that this was able to take place despite demanding conditions.
We are delighted to announce a Public Ordination that took place at the Manchester Buddhist Centre on 23rd May 2021. The ceremony was conducted in the Lotus Hall with a restricted number of sangha and family members attending.
The new Dharmachari was privately ordained on a private retreat with his preceptor Aparājita, and the Public Preceptor was Padmavajra:
Barrie Stanhope from Southport, in North-West England, becomes Buddhamaitrī. He who has the friendliness of the Buddha. (The last i is long)