lokeshvara's picture

Some resources on Forgiveness

From Order Dharma (test space) on Thu, 26 Nov, 2020 - 15:18

Some resources on Forgiveness

From Order Dharma (test space) on Thu, 26 Nov, 2020 - 15:18

Back in August (2020) we had our first online order convention.  The final ritual of the combined convention was a forgiveness ritual led by Malini from her home on Waiheke island in New Zealand.

Forgiveness, what it means, why it is not easy, and how it actually ‘works’ as a faculty of consciousness has long interested me. All the way back to meeting some of the people behind the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Cape Town, South Africa in 1998. I read...

gunabhadri's picture

List of websites for translated books

From Triratna Translations on Thu, 26 Nov, 2020 - 11:51

Where you can find and buy translated Dharma books within Triratna.
Let us know if something is missing or faulty, se bottom of page!

Wo Sie übersetzte Dharma-Bücher in Triratna finden und kaufen können.
Lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn etwas fehlt oder fehlerhaft ist, siehe unten auf der Seite!

Dónde encontrar y comprar libros de Dharma traducidos dentro de Triratna.
Háganos saber si falta algo o está defectuoso, véase al final de la página.

Où vous pouvez trouver et acheter des livres de...

ECA Safeguarding's picture
ECA Safeguarding

Safeguarding in online activities

From Triratna Safeguarding on Tue, 24 Nov, 2020 - 15:24

We’re all used to teaching on Zoom these days.

So what do you do if a 15 year-old turns up unexpectedly? Do you know why pairs are not a good idea in classes where the participants aren’t already known to you?

And what can we do to help those finding themselves spending more time at home with depression, or with abusive parents and partners?

In April the Safeguarding team wrote to all the Safeguarding officers on its database with Safeguarding advice related to Coronavirus. That was before the creation of...

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Coronavirus Safeguarding 78.2 KB
Dayajoti's picture

The Light Within Online Retreat: 18th - 20th December

From Buddhafield on Thu, 19 Nov, 2020 - 13:02

The Light Within Online Retreat: 18th - 20th December

From Buddhafield on Thu, 19 Nov, 2020 - 13:02

Buddhafield Online Retreat with Akuppa, Dayajoti & Others

As the longest night approaches, so an opportunity to see the bright light within arises. Our ability to shine out into the world depends on the inner work that we do. All that we need is possible when we can accept both the brightness and the dark.

Join Akuppa, Dayajoti and others for this weekend, at-home retreat to explore the light within. Meditations, movement practice and kula groups will take place throughout the weekend supported by...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Another free eBook and three more news bites

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 16 Nov, 2020 - 17:30

Another free eBook and three more news bites

From Windhorse Publications on Mon, 16 Nov, 2020 - 17:30

This week we have four news bites to share.

Our latest free eBook: Female Deities in Buddhism

This week we’re offering another free eBook: Female Deities in Buddhism by Vessantara. Female deities in Buddhism take many forms: queens and old crones, Buddhas and goddesses, mothers and wild women. Enter the magical realm of gently compassionate Kuan Yin from China, meet the elusive golden goddess from India representing Perfect Wisdom, and tangle with the energetic embodiments of freedom, the fearless sky-dancing dakinis of Tibet. Vessantara invites us to...

lokabandhu's picture

Puja de Três Etapas

From Português on Sat, 14 Nov, 2020 - 21:47

Puja de Três Etapas - the Threefold Puja in Portuguese, as practiced in the Triratna Buddhist Community.  Many more languages available at www.thebuddhistcentre.com/translations

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Puja de Três Etapas522.57 KB
Sophie_WLBCPublicity's picture

The Precious Jewel Appeal - Keep WLBC Shining!

From West London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 10 Nov, 2020 - 20:00

The Precious Jewel Appeal - Keep WLBC Shining!

From West London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 10 Nov, 2020 - 20:00

Dear Sangha,

We hope you are well and keeping safe. Difficult and potentially isolating times like these show more than ever how lucky we are to have Sangha, a context of fellowship, meaningful communication and shared purpose. Sangha, though, as we all know only comes of our joint efforts, and at the core of our own particular sangha is the West London Buddhist Centre, which through its classes and courses, even if only by Zoom at present, not only offers the balm...

Windhorse Publications's picture
Windhorse Publi...

Our latest free eBook and how to support us through lockdown

From Windhorse Publications on Tue, 10 Nov, 2020 - 16:15

Our latest free eBook and how to support us through lockdown

From Windhorse Publications on Tue, 10 Nov, 2020 - 16:15

With new lockdown measures coming into effect in the UK, we’ve been thinking about how we might support you through the lockdown, and also how you might support us. 

How we’re supporting you

This week we’re offering another free eBook. We’ve chosen Teachers of Enlightenment by Kulananda. 

The defining act of being a Buddhist is ‘going for refuge’ to the three jewels of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. If we’re to do that effectively, we need to relate to the three jewels – the highest ideals of...

viriyalila's picture

Touching Earth: Buddhist Approaches for Care of Nature

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Fri, 6 Nov, 2020 - 17:19

Touching Earth: Buddhist Approaches for Care of Nature

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Fri, 6 Nov, 2020 - 17:19

This online retreat offers an in-depth opportunity to cultivate a Dharmic view of the linked environmental crises currently facing all living beings – in the air, in the sea and on the earth.

•We will explore relevant Buddhist teachings and their implications for our lives today.

•We will meditate and reflect together on our actions and our options, creating a safe space for turning towards the reality of the situation and the emotions that arise.

•We will approach the topic through the arts, with music and...

Munisha's picture

Learning from the Church of England

From Triratna Safeguarding on Fri, 6 Nov, 2020 - 08:57

Learning from the Church of England

From Triratna Safeguarding on Fri, 6 Nov, 2020 - 08:57

October saw the publication of a 154-page report on failures to prevent child sexual abuse in the Anglican Church in England and Wales, which the Church itself has described as ‘shocking’.

NB: ‘Child sexual abuse’ includes the ‘non-contact’ offences of viewing, possessing or producing indecent images of children.

Whenever such reports are published, the ECA’s Safeguarding team look carefully to see what we can learn. The report is is extremely long and detailed so we’ll list below some points...
