With new lockdown measures coming into effect in the UK, we’ve been thinking about how we might support you through the lockdown, and also how you might support us.
How we’re supporting you
This week we’re offering another free eBook. We’ve chosen Teachers of Enlightenment by Kulananda.
The defining act of being a Buddhist is ‘going for refuge’ to the three jewels of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. If we’re to do that effectively, we need to relate to the three jewels – the highest ideals of Buddhism – as more than just abstract concepts. A refuge tree is a symbol of the three jewels which comes from the Tibetan tradition and takes different forms in different schools. The Triratna Buddhist Community has its own refuge tree, and Teachers of Enlightenment is a rich and inspiring introduction to the figures on it: the historical Buddha, archetypal Buddhas and bodhisattvas, esteemed teachers from the history of the Buddhist tradition, and the teachers who helped to shape our founder, Sangharakshita’s, understanding of Buddhism.
Teachers of Enlightenment is out of print at the moment. We’ll be working on a new edition in 2021.
Download your free copy of Teachers of Enlightenment.
How you can support us
Bookshops and Buddhist centres in the UK and elsewhere are closed again through the lockdown, and it’s unclear how long this will last. This has a significant impact on our income. If you’d like to help, here are two ways you could support us:
This is a great opportunity if you regularly buy our books. For £30 or more you can become a Windhorse Publications supporter, and you’ll get 25% off everything (apart from subscriptions) for a calendar year.
Buy your books directly from us or from independent bookshops
Amazon and intermediaries take a significant proportion of the price of books, which makes it difficult for small independent publishers to remain profitable and to be able to invest in publishing new books. It really helps us if you can buy your books locally or directly from us.