From College of Public Preceptors on Tue, 4 Feb, 2025 - 13:17Dear Friends,
We are delighted to announce that the ordinations of the following people took place at Chintamani, Mexico, on 5th January 2025.
With metta, Virasiddhi
Public Preceptor Virasiddhi:
Abelardo Mancinas becomes Gambhīradāsa
Registered spelling: Gambhiradasa
A Sanskrit name meaning ‘He who serves the profound; Él que sirve a lo profundo’
Private preceptor: Nagapriya
Adolfo Echeverría becomes Dharmaratna
Registered spelling: Dharmaratna
A Sanskrit name meaning ‘Jewel of the Dharma; La joya del Dharma’
Private preceptor: Nagapriya
Raul Chimil becomes Ākāśamati
Registered spelling: Akashamati
A Sanskrit name meaning ’The mind that is open like space; La mente abierta...