bethbuddhafield's picture

Buddhafield Base Community Share Offer

From Buddhafield on Tue, 21 Mar, 2023 - 11:59

Buddhafield Base Community Share Offer

From Buddhafield on Tue, 21 Mar, 2023 - 11:59

The next stage in Buddhafield’s evolution

Have you heard about Buddhafield’s latest project? 

After more than 25-years of running a geographically scattered operation, it’s time to consolidate our resources and put down some roots so that we can continue our offerings as well as provide even more opportunities for authentic community, meaningful work, care for land and ecology and celebration of the potential of imagination. 

The Buddhafield Base Project is about creating a home for Buddhafield – expanding our...

Vidyamala's picture

Day 3: Summoning the World to Buddhahood

From Adhisthana on Mon, 20 Mar, 2023 - 22:55

Day 3: Summoning the World to Buddhahood

From Adhisthana on Mon, 20 Mar, 2023 - 22:55

Day 3

Day three brings us to chapter 6: The Perfection of Forbearance.

After introducing the perfections of Generosity (Dana) and Ethics (Sila) yesterday in chapter 5, today we moved onto the Perfection of Forbearance (Ksanti).

Following our daily format, we listened to the text at 10.30 before Saddhanandi gave an excellent and clear commentary drawing on Shantideva’s words, Bhante’s teaching and her own experience of this aspect of practice.

She unpacked how Shantideva looks at forbearance in three main ways: forbearance towards suffering (verses 11-21), forbearance as...

Vidyamala's picture

Day 2: Summoning the World to Buddhahood

From Adhisthana on Sun, 19 Mar, 2023 - 21:59

Day 2: Summoning the World to Buddhahood

From Adhisthana on Sun, 19 Mar, 2023 - 21:59

Today we moved to chapter 5: The Guarding of Awareness.

At 10.30 we listened to all 109 verses of this chapter on mindfulness before hearing a commentary from Nagabodhi.

There is something remarkable about listening to Dharma being read out loud. When I lived at Taraloka in the 90s we sometimes recited texts all night! I learned then that there is an art to listening to Dharma texts. The mind goes through many phases as the words relentlessly go on and on - and...

Vidyamala's picture

Day 1: Summoning the World to Buddhahood

From Adhisthana on Sat, 18 Mar, 2023 - 20:43

Day 1: Summoning the World to Buddhahood

From Adhisthana on Sat, 18 Mar, 2023 - 20:43

It is beautiful to have the privilege to practice with this wonderful group on the ‘Summoning the World to Buddhahood’ retreat at Adhisthana. We gathered for the first session last night in the shrine room with others joining us online. We went around and introduced ourselves and it was powerful to hear everyone’s connection with the Bodhicaryavatara – for many a much loved and seminal text.

I recalled my first encounter with the text in 1987 when Nagabodhi led a weekend on...

Maitriyogini's picture

Opening: Summoning the World to Buddhahood

From Adhisthana on Fri, 17 Mar, 2023 - 21:54

Opening: Summoning the World to Buddhahood

From Adhisthana on Fri, 17 Mar, 2023 - 21:54

This week at Adhisthana we are holding a retreat on the Bodhicaryavatara: Summoning the World to Buddhahood.

Vidyamala will be sharing stories from the retreat throughout the week here, and I hope this can be a way of connecting with each other and with the beautiful aspirations behind Santideva’s work, no matter where you currently are.

I look forward to sharing in an exploration of the Bodhicaryavatara together, allowing the beauty, power, and challenge of the verses to more deeply inform our practice for the benefit...

Muditadevi's picture

Uncontrived mindfulness meditation retreat led by Vajradevi

From Triratna Oslo on Fri, 17 Mar, 2023 - 09:14

Uncontrived mindfulness meditation retreat led by Vajradevi

From Triratna Oslo on Fri, 17 Mar, 2023 - 09:14

in Norway 7.-16. July 2023 

The retreat is held in Lillomarkskapellet, previously a ’sportschapel’ in the forest, 40 minutes’ drive from Oslo. It is quiet with beautiful surroundings; a small lake for swimming and natural walks in the forest.  Rooms are shared with 3-4 others. We ask for regular meditation practice for some years.

More info and booking: Go to….

Price: NOK 4.500 to cover cost for food, lodging and transport from Kjul or Oslo, and we have 3 spaces for ...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Forces for Good - Challenging Emotions as Portals to Liberation (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 439)

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 16 Mar, 2023 - 12:26

A wonderful conversation highlighting the themes of a brand new Home Retreat – the latest addition to our growing archive of in-depth, beautifully resourced online spaces to help take your practice of meditation and Buddhism deeper.

Balajit, Singhashri and Viveka join us to discuss the opportunities and challenges of engaging with the gnarlier bits of our emotional lives, amid so much pressure of so many kinds in the world. A sparkling exchange about ways into integrating embodied practice...

Suvannavira's picture


From На русском on Mon, 13 Mar, 2023 - 13:08

«Арья-сангха», Ньянешвари, 08.11.2022

Suvannavira's picture

«Духовная дружба»

From На русском on Thu, 9 Mar, 2023 - 10:06

«Духовная дружба», Алобхин, 06.04.2019
