akasajoti's picture

Vassika - A Vision of History, Revisited

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:55

Vassika - A Vision of History, Revisited

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:55

Given on the Women’s International Order Convention 2016, at Adhisthana.

Revisiting Bhante’s 1978 talk on the Vision of History, Vassika articulates our responsibility to become a true and vital spiritual community in a pure and uncompromising form, in order to respond to and transform the world. She makes five suggestions; to strive to become true individuals; to maintain harmony in the Order, to reach out into the world and provide conditions for personal transformation; to keep alive Bhante’s vision of history and...

akasajoti's picture

Parami - Listening to the Cries of the World

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:53

Parami - Listening to the Cries of the World

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:53

From a series of talks given on the Women’s International Order Convention 2016, taking one of the figures of the different sadhana practices that Sangharakshita received as the focus for each day.

A short personal talk from Parami, humorous and touching, where she shares how her relationship with Avalokiteshvara began and talks about encountering him on a solitary retreat through hearing the cries of the world.

akasajoti's picture

Suvarnachandra - The Scent of Tara OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:48

Suvarnachandra - The Scent of Tara OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:48

From a series of talks given on the Women’s International Order Convention 2016, taking one of the figures of the different sadhana practices that Sangharakshita received as the focus for each day.

Suvarnachandra shares her personal experience of Green Tara and how she appears to her in the form of fragrance.

The talks were given slowly so as to be translated consecutively into Hindi.

akasajoti's picture

Taravandana - Green Tara in the City OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:46

Taravandana - Green Tara in the City OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:46

From a series of talks given on the Women’s International Order Convention 2016, taking one of the figures of the different sadhana practices that Sangharakshita received as the focus for each day.

On the day dedicated to Green Tara, there were two talks given by Taravandana and Suvarnachandra. Here we have a deeply personal and heart-felt reflection of Green Tara from Taravandana. She asks the question, “Green Tara, where are you now?” and describes how Green Tara speaks to her through all...

akasajoti's picture

Sanghadevi - The Gentle-Voiced One OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:44

Sanghadevi - The Gentle-Voiced One OM

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:44

From a series of talks given on the Women’s International Order Convention 2016, taking one of the figures of the different sadhana practices that Sangharakshita received as the focus for each day.

On the day dedicated to Manjughosa, we heard a beautifully crafted talk from Sanghadevi communicated with depth and grace, evoking the rich amber world of the gentle-voiced one, the bodhisattva of art and culture, who holds the perfection of wisdom text to his heart. She communicates the profundity of the...

akasajoti's picture

The Buddha in the Budget - Kuladharini

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:40

The Buddha in the Budget - Kuladharini

From Buddhist Centre Features on Mon, 19 Sep, 2016 - 23:40

From a series of talks given on the Women’s International Order Convention 2016, taking one of the figures of the different sadhana practices that Sangharakshita received as the focus for each day.

A thought-provoking, intelligent talk from Kuladharini, on a day devoted to Shakyamuni, who describes her experience of her bond with the Buddha as it manifests on the streets of Glasgow, in the dana economy at the Buddhist Centre, and in her work as the Director of the Scottish Recovery Consortium.

Munisha's picture

Ordinations in New Zealand

From Triratna News on Sun, 18 Sep, 2016 - 21:16

Ordinations in New Zealand

From Triratna News on Sun, 18 Sep, 2016 - 21:16

We are delighted to announce the names of three new Dharmacharinis ordained on 17th September at Golden Bay, New Zealand.

Public Preceptor Varadevi

Andrea Gill becomes Ujjalamati
(Pali - all short vowels)
Private Preceptor: Dharmanandi
Meaning of name: She whose mind is radiant

Public preceptor Dharmanandi

Kate Drury becomes Saccattha
(Pali - long second and last a)
Meaning of name: She whose goal is the Truth
Private Preceptor Varadevi

Natalie Grace becomes Karunajoti
(Pali -  long second a and long i)
Meaning of...

Munisha's picture

A Triratna contribution at the Paralympics

From Triratna News on Sat, 17 Sep, 2016 - 16:37

A Triratna contribution at the Paralympics

From Triratna News on Sat, 17 Sep, 2016 - 16:37

Amoghavajra lives in Ipswich, in the east of England, where he was until recently the centre Chair. A wheelchair-user, he is an International Wheelchair Basketball Federation ‘classifier’ and tutor. He writes of his involvement in the Paralympics:

“As the Paralympics near their crescendo in Rio de Janeiro, it is the turn of athletes with a disability to take the world stage and display their physical prowess and skill. The other day I wheeled into my local gym and...

Munisha's picture

Ordinations at Akashavana

From Triratna News on Sat, 17 Sep, 2016 - 16:19

Ordinations at Akashavana

From Triratna News on Sat, 17 Sep, 2016 - 16:19

We are delighted to announce that the following women were publicly ordained at Akashavana, Spain, on Friday 16th September:

Public preceptor: Padmasuri

Claire Brown becomes Amrtavani (the third ‘a’ is long as is the final ‘i’).
Sanskrit name meaning: ‘She who plays the music of the deathless’, or ‘She whose song is limitless’
Westernised spelling: Amritavani
Private preceptor: Dhatvisvari

Anneke Dekker becomes Maitridaya (second ‘i’ is long as are second and third ‘a’).
Sanskrit name meaning: ‘Giver of maitri’

Sanghanistha's picture

Surlingham Village Festival at Padmaloka

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 15 Sep, 2016 - 10:21

Surlingham Village Festival at Padmaloka

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Thu, 15 Sep, 2016 - 10:21

This year Padmaloka once again hosted the Surlingham village festival, as we do every other year. 

The day was a resounding success, despite the threat of rain which in the end never fully materialised (much gratitude to the nagas for their part in this).  There was live music throughout ranging from a one man 80’s cover act, to acoustic folk and the village choir. There were lots of activities, games and competition for all ages. Padmaloka managed to win 6 of the...
