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Free Buddhist Audio

Getting It

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 26 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
Vidyadevi's brief here is 'study as a way to Wisdom', and she comes to it with a delightfully playful straightforwardness. As a means of exploring the 'Middle Way', she speaks of the various dualities and juxtapositions she has encountered in her own engagement with Dharma study over the years: theory and practice, metaphor and literalism, authority and personal experience, utility and beauty, etc. But she also speaks (and sings! Paul Simon...) of the need for a lightness of heart and of mind at the root of it all...

Talk given at Taraloka Retreat Centre, Great Gathering 2000
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Free Buddhist Audio

Becoming a Citizen of the Present

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 26 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
A thoughtful, sympathetic talk by Srivati on the most delicate of tasks in any life - how to live in the present moment. Exploring the subtle aspects of past and present, of memory and expectation, we encounter impermanence as the touchstone of our experience through storytelling (Bahiya of the Bark Garment) and the practice of writing - especially poetry. A lovely set of challenges to become 'citizens of the present' and inhabit properly our own potential for change.

Talk given to the Western Buddhist Order national Order weekend, 2001
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Free Buddhist Audio

Songs of Milarepa - His Lineage and Mahamudra

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 26 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
The first of a pair of talks given as part of ‘The Yogi’s Joy’ Retreat in 2005. Dhammadinna introduces us to the great Tibetan hermit sage and meditator, Milarepa and explores aspects of his biography and profound influence on the Buddhist tradition.

The companion talk to this is 'The Grey Rock Vajra Enclosure and Milarepa's First Meeting with Rechungpa'.

Talk given at Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2005.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Grey Rock Vajra Enclosure and Milarepa's First Meeting with Rechungpa

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 26 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
The second of a brace of talks given as part of ‘The Yogi’s Joy’ Retreat in 2005. Dhammadinna introduces us to the great Tibetan hermit sage and meditator, Milarepa and explores aspects of his life and profound influence on the Buddhist tradition.

The companion talk to this is 'Songs of Milarepa: His Lineage and Mahamudra'.

Talk given at Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2005.
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Free Buddhist Audio

We Have a Huge Barrel of Wine But No Cups

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 26 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
More poetry, more Rumi, more listening joy from Vajradarshini. And what a title! In fact, this is another splendid journey around the idea of Enlightenment, using the languages of surrender and discipline from the Sufi context. It’s as heady as a sumptuous wine, but also sobering and down to earth, whether we’re “following a railing in the dark” or "wandering inside the red world”. Drink up!

Talk given at Taraloka Retreat Centre, 2005
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Free Buddhist Audio

El No-Yo En La Vida Diaria

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Sat, 15 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
Anatta: - el no-yo - es un concepto clave en el budismo. En esta charla además de explorar qué es, Vajranatha habla de dos malinterpretaciones comunes y como aplicar anatta en la vida diaria y la práctica de la meditación.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Nature of Reality

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
Arthapriya explores the Buddhist understanding of what we call reality, and how it is less common sensical than we might imagine. In particular, he questions how much our 'outside world' is in fact so strongly conditioned by our state of mind.

Covering karma, emptiness, impermanence and galaxies, this is a wide ranging talk!

First talk in a series of three entitled 'Reality and what to do about it', given at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, UK, in Nov 2010.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Living a Meaningful Life

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
Vajrapriya takes the Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path - rebranding it as the Meaningful Eightfold Path - and considers how its eight areas contribute to a meaningful life, and how following it eventually eliminates the whole problem of meaninglessness.

Second of three public talks in the series 'Reality and what to do about it', given at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre in November 2010
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Free Buddhist Audio

A Challenge to the Modern World

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Jan, 2011 - 00:00
A robust talk by Sagaraghosa, critiquing structural elements of our society from a Buddhist standpoint, and exploring what we can do to bring about a society more in line with Reality.

Last of three talks in the series 'Reality and What to Do About It'
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Free Buddhist Audio

Buddhism, a Force For Good In the World

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Wed, 29 Dec, 2010 - 00:00
In this thoughtful talk, Vajragupta explores the potential of the Buddha's teachings to transform society, starting with seeing how the Dhamma has helped millions of people who've suffered under the Hindu caste system change their lives. He asks how we've done in bringing this part of Bhante's vision into being in the last 40 years, and encourages us to take opportunities to change society, including helping activists in positive change, and bringing a Buddhist perspective to current social debates.
