Viryabodhi's picture

Meditations on Anapanasati 2011

From Dharmagiri Retreatcenter on Mon, 3 Sep, 2012 - 21:32
Hi all friends,

We had a very successful Easter retreat at Dharmagiri, Easter 2011, with Vaddhaka from Estonia giving very clear and much appreciated teachings on the Anapanasati system on meditation and reflection.
It was a very happy retreat too, with a wholesome and friendly atmosphere. Paula and Åsa organised very well and smoothly, Hridayacandra led the pujas beautifully and I led the morning meditations. I recorded Vaddhaka’s led meditations and below you will find links to them; a...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Breaking Through Into Buddhahood

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Sep, 2012 - 01:00
Week 1 in the LBC Monday Dharma Night Class series - Sangharakshita Classics
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Greater Mandala

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Sep, 2012 - 01:00
Week 2 in the LBC Monday Dharma Night Class series - Sangharakshita Classics
viriyalila's picture

Looking for a little help...

From Lovers of FBA! on Sun, 2 Sep, 2012 - 23:45

Looking for a little help...

From Lovers of FBA! on Sun, 2 Sep, 2012 - 23:45Hey Lovers of FBA!

How would you like to share your love of Free Buddhist Audio with an endorsement? We think the best way to let other people know about the merits of our site is to ask those who use it to speak for us.

Just ask yourself - why do I like Free Buddhist Audio? What really inspires me about having access to so many talks by a diverse community...
viriyalila's picture

Photos from 1st Mitra Ceremony

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 2 Sep, 2012 - 16:49

Photos from 1st Mitra Ceremony

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Sun, 2 Sep, 2012 - 16:49
August 29th we held our first mitra ceremonies. Bettye and Oz both started coming to the center soon after we opened in October 2011. They are both fired up by the Dharma and grateful to have found the Triratna Community to practice with. Sadhu to you both!
viriyalila's picture

At the Opening of the Metta Vihara

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 2 Sep, 2012 - 03:00

At the Opening of the Metta Vihara

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 2 Sep, 2012 - 03:00We’re happy to help celebrate the opening of the Metta Vihara, the new retreat center for the people in the Netherlands. Subhuti gives a wonderful opening talk after being introduced by Dhammaketu. The talk is translated into Dutch by Akasasuri.
Metta Vihara Opening Talk, 12 May 2012

In dit praatje richt Subhuti zich tot de Sangha in de lage landen bij de opening van het gloednieuwe retraitecentrum metta vihara.
Subhuti heeft het over het belang...
jvalamalini's picture

Guide to the Buddhas: review by Lois Elsden

From book reviews on Fri, 31 Aug, 2012 - 12:34

Guide to the Buddhas: review by Lois Elsden

From book reviews on Fri, 31 Aug, 2012 - 12:34Every so often, you’re standing in a bookshop, or a library, or a friend’s house, your eyes drifting along all the tempting titles of the books on the shelves and almost idly you pick one up… and ten, fifteen, thirty minutes later you would still be standing there unless interrupted by something or someone or called for dinner or to go and get a cup of coffee…The blurb on the back describes this book as a way to “meet the...
Windhorse Evolution's picture
Windhorse Evolution

Buddhist Values in Business and its Potential for Europe

From Triratna News on Fri, 31 Aug, 2012 - 12:32

Buddhist Values in Business and its Potential for Europe

From Triratna News on Fri, 31 Aug, 2012 - 12:32Keturaja, the managing director of Windhorse:evolution, will be a speaker and facilitator at the international workshop in Brussels; “Buddhist Values in Business and its Potential for Europe” on 24-25 November 2012.

Partly inspired by Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness, the gathering will allow participants to:
  • explore, discuss and agree on key characteristics of profitable business enterprises aligned with Buddhist values;
  • recommend business models and policy changes to support the development of such enterprises in Europe;
  • put the idea/culture of Buddhist Business Management on the
  • ...
