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Free Buddhist Audio

The Richly Endowed Buddha of the Southern Realm

From Imagine the Buddha on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 21:44
In the third in our series of talks from the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, Dhammadinna evokes Ratnasambhava, the ‘Richly Endowed Buddha of the Southern Realm’…
Candradasa's picture

Announcing the Skype Meditators Group

From Imagine the Buddha on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 20:49

Announcing the Skype Meditators Group

From Imagine the Buddha on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 20:49We had a great idea during our live Facebook discussion today - a group for everyone who might like to get together with others and meditate on Skype. So roll up, roll up… :)
lokabandhu's picture

Dawn Ritual to the Buddha of the East

From Imagine the Buddha on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 19:30

Dawn Ritual to the Buddha of the East

From Imagine the Buddha on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 19:30On the last full day of the International Retreat, we held a 24-hour cycle of ceremonies to the Buddhas of the Four Directions, starting with a Dawn Ritual to Akshobya, the Buddha of the East… 4.45am, the birds were singing, the sky was red, and 60 buddhists began their day of practice…
Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Online Meditators

From Community Highlights on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 19:15

Online Meditators (group)

From Community Highlights on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 19:15

To join: click the big green +follow button above and get notified of new meditations.

This is a group for anyone who wants to arrange to meditate online with others and support each other’s practice. You can arrange your own meditations, buddy up, or join us in our facilitated sits.

Join us every week day for open meditations! 

Sessions will last for 45 minutes. They won’t be guided sits – just bring your own practice and sit with...

Candradasa's picture

Facebook Discussion Imminent!

From Imagine the Buddha on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 18:32

Facebook Discussion Imminent!

From Imagine the Buddha on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 18:32Hi all, remember we’ll be having a live discussion space on Facebook this afternoon/evening on themes from the International Retreat. Join us anytime between 2-4pm EST / 5-7pm UK for as long as you like. We’d love if you can! Here are some topics we might look at, but any other ideas also welcome and we’ll see what emerges from the live space:

1. How do YOU imagine the Buddha? We’ve seen...
viriyalila's picture

Loving Awareness, Open Heart ~ Day Retreat

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 17:33

Loving Awareness, Open Heart ~ Day Retreat

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 17:33On June 23rd from 9:30 - 3:30 pm we will be offering a day retreat focusing on the practice of Metta to develop our natural capacity for love, community and spiritual friendship. Come explore the fusion of wisdom and compassion in Buddhist practice.

Led by Amala, a meditation and Dharma teacher with over thirty years experience. She has been practicing with the Triratna Community since 1991 and was ordained in 2000. For over a decade she has led...
viriyalila's picture

The Rain of the Dharma

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 17:14

The Rain of the Dharma

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 17:14It’s been raining quite a bit in these parts the last few days… There’s a lovely parable in the Buddhist tradition from the White Lotus Sutra called the Parable of the Rain Cloud. Take a listen to “The Rain of the Dharma”, track 11, for a lovely reading of it by Sangharakshita.

Viryanaga's picture

Why be good?

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 12:56

Why be good?

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 12:56To be good isn’t very fun is it - so why be good? In Priyavajra’s new course Beyond the Moral Maze he looks at the revolutionary path to freedom that Buddhist ethics can be, and how it may not be what you think it is.

Have a look at his short video below, and if you are interested in attending you can book here:

Led by Priyavajra. At the LBC.
Starting 12...
viriyalila's picture

discover the dharma a thousand times

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 03:27

discover the dharma a thousand times

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 03:27
Our new poster for 2012 - copies available to share in our resources section!
viriyalila's picture

discover the dharma a thousand times

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 4 Jun, 2012 - 03:24
We created a new poster for 2012: “discover the dharma a thousand times”

Bringing together a number of images we use alongside our talks to highlight all we have to offer: dharma talks, audio-books, podcasts, study resources, online community, local projects, ethics, meditation, buddhist wisdom, the arts
